It was good to see William Morris at no.8 in your list. But he was a bit more than a craftsman and writer. Founder of the Britain's first socialist party, the SDF, in the 1880s with Engels and Eleanor Marx, he argued that capitalism not only dehumanises workers but degraded nature. His practical inspiration has help lead to, national parks and ecological design, but as our first ecopolitician he is even more important. The fact that socialism in the 20th century moved away from Morris to embrace Stalinist and Fabian versions of central planning and industrialisation at any cost is the key reason that Green parties were created in the 70s and 80s.
Dr Derek Wall
Green party
letter in the Guardian
apologies to my readers, I have been rather busy for blogging but week one of Green Party Principal Speaker has been enjoyable for me and hopefully useful politically.
Friday saw a bit of press interest, saturday I debated with the Socialist Party, monday night Zen which is essential hope I can keep it up, I am cutting my tuesday Economics of Modern Britain course at Goldsmiths to give more time to campaigning, wednesday I had the headline of the London paper the Metro on the 'insanity' of rail fare rises...we are being priced off the road and priced off the rail.
Nice also on wed to get a letter in the Guardian on the very strange environmental agency list of top greens, Lord Browne of BP is at 85!
Today I have just spoken on behalf of Caroline Lucas to the Free West Papua movement who celebrate their flag the Morning Star which it is illegal to raise in their land which is controlled by Indonesia who have killed many thousands. They are the real ecologists not green politicians like me. BP have gas interests in West Papua.
Socialist Resistance conference tomorrow plus some press action I will tell you about later plus my Stern critique in Red Pepper...busy busy busy
had this from the photographer...took the photo from EF! or Do or Die, who are very anti-copyright!
Hi Derek,
Great to see the Greens getting in on this West Papua thing and I have just visited your blog and notice one of our best West Papaun photos at the top of the page, which is no problem and perfectly fine, just I would like to draw your attention to our Media Licence, which you can see here:
You are welcome to use or link to any of our material, but credit to us & a link back to us as source is required, as explained in the Media Licence,
i.e. source:
fPcN interCultural:
You can see the original photo here in our Gallery from 2001, here:
I was actually the photographer and film maker, on covert location through 2000/1. Please also see our films:
Many thanks for your efforts and best wishes,
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