Its later than you think, there is a very serious crisis on our planet and most environmental action is proving tokenistic and irrelevent.
However indigenous people are fighting for ecology, while we must reject romantic bullshit, indigenous can get things badly wrong as well, because indigenous people depend on local environments they have generally found ways of managing them ecologically.
Green Parties and environmental groups should focus on indigenous solidarity as a priority.
I have been very impressed by the high level of organisation and shrewd strategy of Aidesep which is the organisation of Peruvian Amazon people.
Viva Aidesep and Viva Hugo Blanco if you read Spanish please look at Hugo's newspaper Indigenous Struggle here!
This is a recent Aidesep statement rejecting a government decree for gm crops in Peru, I have translated it crudely from Spanish....again if you read Spanish have a look at the original.
Indigenous organisations claim that proposed introduction of gm is invalid
Aidesep in conjuction with other indigenous organisations have released a statement calling for the rejection of a government decree allowing gm in the country (Peru), the entry of transgenenic seeds creates a risk to biodiversity, food security and the health of Peru.
GM seeds directly harm small farming activity which is the livelihoods of thousands of indigenous and peasant families who provide food for those in urban areas. 60% of food is grown by small farmers.
Indigenous and peasant organizations joined in the national coalition of Andean, coastal and Amazon regions, in addition to the AIDESEP, CNA, CONACAMI, CCPand ONAMIAP, - signed statement, which rejects gm and protests against the failure to consult indigenous people and peasant farmers on the part of the government.
They cautioned that this supreme decree stems from an international lobbying association between the Peruvian authorities and transnational corporations and regretted that the APRA government output and this Supreme Decree issued showing once again that their management is incompatible with the social benefit of environmental and cultural in the country.
Therefore, we called on all Peruvian civil society to support this law suit and demand the annulment of the Supreme Decree 003-2011, we are a country capable of producing healthy food without damaging Mother Earth.
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