Lucky to count Joe Glenton as a personal friend.
He told me a few weeks back about his time in prison for refusing to fight a second tour of duty in Afghanistan, he said in military prison he had a lot of support and understanding for other soldiers.
And he returned his medal as a protest against the war.
Really proud to know ex-military comrades like my amigo Shane who is a Kansas based radical and ex-Marine.
Joe is urging people to vote green in the elections on May 5th including me, I am standing in Winkfield and Cranbourne ward of Bracknell Forest Council.
‘Vote Green on May 5th’, urges Anti-war campaigner Joe Glenton.
Prominent anti-war campaigner Joe Glenton, who hit national headlines in 2009 for refusing to serve in the war in Afghanistan, has urged voters to support the Green Party in May’s local elections.
Glenton, who is from York, said that he had been convinced that the Green Party represented the only electoral option to the ConDems government’s program of cuts and wars for oil.
He said that only the Green Party had argued persuasively against the need for any cuts to public services, whereas Labour broadly agreed with the government that the bankers and speculators should not be made to pay for causing the financial crisis.
The Green Party argues that the national deficit can be paid for by closing tax loopholes, raising corporation tax and income tax for the very richest individuals, and by introducing a levy on risky financial speculation (known as a ‘Robin Hood Tax’). The Green Party does support cuts in some areas. This includes not spending billions of pounds replacing the useless Trident Missile system and not intervening in endless foreign wars.
Glenton said that he was impressed that the Green Party’s leader, Dr. Caroline Lucas MP, had voted against the government’s motion to support the use of “all necessary means” against Libya. Dr. Lucas said that she supported a limited no-fly zone, but that ‘Iraq showed us the danger of giving any government - Labour or Conservative - a blank cheque for military involvement.’
Glenton noted that this was in stark contrast to Ed Miliband, who had supported a resolution which is likely to drag the UK into yet another expensive and prolonged foreign conflict. He said: ‘New Labour are simply Tory-lite. If people want to elect politicians who will oppose savage cuts and wars for oil, then they should vote for the Green Party on May 5th.’
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