"Today's world is traveling in some strange direction. You
see that the world is going toward destruction and violence. And the specialty
of violence is to create hatred among people and to create fear. I am a believer
in nonviolence and I say that no peace or tranquility will descend upon the
people of the world until nonviolence is practiced, because nonviolence is love
and it stirs courage in people."
Abdul Ghaffar Khan (a.k.a. Badshah Khan: 'Nonviolent
Soldier of Islam')
"But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would
truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of
(Qur' an 42:43)
(Qur' an 42:43)
As an organisation guided by core Islamic principles, we acknowledge that
there have been disturbing acts of violence which have taken place, that
have been voiced, explicitly or otherwise, to be under the umbrella of
Islam. The recent killing in Woolwich, London is one such act.
While we believe these acts to be contrary to Islamic teachings, and
planned and carried out by individuals or groups that do not represent the vast
majority of Muslims - in our view nonetheless, it is clear that there is an
essential need for a conscious, nonviolent movement in the Muslim world that
captures dissatisfaction, frustration and anger that may be present. Such a
movement would support the transformation of such feelings into
energy that can be channelled into actions that heal, rather than fracture
- actions that are ultimately motivated by love for all, as opposed to, at the
other extreme, by hatred and vengeance.
Simultaneously, real peace is built on the foundation of justice for all,
and the healing of wounds. In this spirit, there is a collective responsibility,
and qualities such as fairness, non-exploitation of humans and the wider natural
order, coupled with self-determination, lie at its heart.
Wisdom In Nature condemns the attack that took place in
Woolwich last week, and we keep Drummer Lee Rigby's
family and loved ones in our heart and prayers. Pain is never
isolated, especially in a globalised world. Pain is ultimately shared, just as
we ultimately are all as one.
In this spirit of unity and compassion, WIN is open to, and invites
collaboration with other parties wishing to raise awareness of the
tradition of noviolence in Islam, and within our respective capacities, to
co-learn and co-develop holistic programs in this key area.
With Islamic contemporary history having figures of nonviolence, perhaps
most notably and best documented, being Abdul Ghaffar Khan (a.k.a. Badshah Khan:
see photo) [1] who in the last century raised an 'army' of 100, 000 'soldiers'
of active nonviolence, we thus have inspiration and material in our own
tradition, as well as material and inspiration from that of others - indeed all
authentic traditions point to the same essential Truth.
From near the beginnings of WIN <http://tinyurl.com/nfbudjh>, we have felt the need to give
importance to 'process' i.e. the belief that how
we achieve our goals is as important as the goal itself. Our
process-oriented approach remains integral to our work, and an active
nonviolence is central to our core strand of 'Engaged Surrender'[2], which
underlies our activities. Closely related to this is the need to create spaces
that invite authentic listening to a diverse range of voices, including those of
the marginalised who may not otherwise easily get heard. The current state of
the world re-affirms to us the immense importance these principles hold, and the
need to stay firmly and explicitly with them. At its best, it is
easier said than done. Yet, it is our prayer that we can develop and actualise
this concept further, embodying it further ourselves, and with the wider
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Wisdom In Nature
Tel. 0845 456 3960 (local rate)
Web: www.wisdominnature.org.uk
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wisdominnature
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wisdominnature
Tel. 0845 456 3960 (local rate)
Web: www.wisdominnature.org.uk
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wisdominnature
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wisdominnature
The above statement can also be viewed on our blog, which is
open to comments: See: http://tinyurl.com/p43adre
[1] Abdul Ghaffar Khan (a.k.a. Badshah Khan), a friend of Gandhi,
was a Muslim Pathan who in the 20th century lived by principles of active
non-violence, rooted in Islam. Badshah Khan raised a non-violent army of 100,
000 Khudai Khidmatgar ("Servants of God") that resisted British rule
over India.
[2] Engaged Surrender is one of Wisdom In Nature's core strands.
i.e. WIN's work is underpinned by a nonviolent, process-oriented activism,
expressed through a contemplative dimension within the framework of Islam
(Surrender to the Divine). More info about Engaged Surrender and WIN's core
strands can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/o7j5c3q
[3] Wisdom In Nature (WIN) was originally called LINE (London Islamic Network for the Environment). WIN offers workshops and training in Islamic ecology, Permaculture and Facilitation Skills, and engages in a transformative approach. It is open to people of all faiths and beliefs, and is based in the UK. More info: www.wisdominnature.org.uk
[3] Wisdom In Nature (WIN) was originally called LINE (London Islamic Network for the Environment). WIN offers workshops and training in Islamic ecology, Permaculture and Facilitation Skills, and engages in a transformative approach. It is open to people of all faiths and beliefs, and is based in the UK. More info: www.wisdominnature.org.uk