5 Nov 2007

Vote against one Ring

The ballot papers are out. Replace Principal speakers with leaders, no gain in my opinion lots of pain, just read this in response to Lib Dem contest.

Fact 1. Menzies Campbell is younger than Cliff Richard.

I am incensed and depressed by how long the political parties spend faffing about trying to choose leaders, and by the petty factors that end up deciding the matter. There is far more to Menzies Campbell than his age, but it's not even, really, about his age: it's about what he looks like, isn't it? I don't think he looks too bad given that he had chemo four years back, but the British media do not agree. Fortunate for the people of the Ukraine that they weren't so dismayed by the looks of Viktor Yushchenko! In the UK we don't seem to be so grateful for democracy; we'd rather treat it as a sort of a game, like the X-Factor. The departure of Menzies Campbell has been the last straw for me and personality politics, and I am no longer supporting the Green Yes campaign, which argued for a single unifying leader for the British Green Party. In all honesty, I think we're achieving more with several spokespersons. Generates a sense of common purpose if you ask me.


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