23 May 2007

500 today

Thus Brown is keen to loosen up the planning process to build roads, incinerators, nuclear power stations and airports but uses the carrot of windfarms to justify on environmental grounds the necessity of ripping up planning law...

Watch this space, there is going to be a lot of opposition to Prime Minister Brown from people across the spectrum who feel that the environment is an excuse simply to tax them and control them.

Well my my 500 today, these blog enteries have been mounting up nicely since April 2006.

and shockingly I am a day or two off of 42, god how did I get to 42. It must be all the beer and Bolivars (for those not in the know you smoke them)...

Highlights (of the blog not my last 41 years in totalt) include ital food, too drunk to fuck says vote green in local elections, lots of Carcas stuff, various edicts instructing you all to practice zen, regular Green Party Principal Speaker stuff since I won the hard fought contest in November.

How long will it take me to get to 1,000.

What else...well small media frenzy commenting on world tonight on Radio 4 on planning, Pm Radio 4 on Gordon Brown's nuclear wet dreams, sky debate on congestion charges.

The narrative is simply Brown the neo-liberals neo-liberal wants a faster growing, more productive, less regulated economy. His model is US capitalism, he really is obssesive about the 'economy'.

Growth then trickles down and there are various interventionist twists to improve welfare, but even this is about getting people into work to keep aggregate supply growing.

People (you and I and our mums) are tools for higher economic growth.

The environment can be off set and traded.

So big environmental projects will be announced which may or may not be gimics but they are used to legtimise the general economic drive.

Thus Brown is keen to loosen up the planning process to build roads, incinerators, nuclear power stations and airports but uses the carrot of windfarms to justify on environmental grounds the necessity of ripping up planning law...

Watch this space, there is going to be a lot of opposition to Prime Minister Brown from people across the spectrum who feel that the environment is an excuse simply to tax them and control them.

Well green politics reinvented byt Brown is a worrying thought.

Veganism going well, did staying with a friend have milk in tea but that has been only lapse, easy if you are at home (well easy for me I like cooking lots of stuff like curry which happens to be vegan) more difficult on the run from media and at work.

But onion bahjis, homemade tahini and marmite sandwiches (well I like them) and big bags of cashew nuts get you through the day.

I think everyone should move in a bit more of a vegan direction, I am not going to be dogmatic but it has numerous ecological, animal welfare and health benefits.

1 comment:

JayV said...

Hey Derek, I like AGW a lot. There's I scarcity of Green blogs over here (I'm in Vermont), so I check you out pretty regularly!

About the Vegan diet: I'm type 2 diabetic. Do you have any resources for diabetics?

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