"They were carrying espionage equipment, reconnaissance equipment, multiple passports and weapons. This is no way to conduct yourself during an uprising.
"Gaddafi is bringing in thousands of mercenaries to kill us, most are using foreign passports and how do we know who these people are?
"They say they're British nationals and some of the passports they have are British. But the Israelis used British passports to kill that man in Dubai last year."
Rebel leaders claimed the captives were being treated well and would be released as soon as the British government vouched for their identity with the rebel command.
look out, the Israelis are behind everything...
Mossad are rather keen on using false passports and killing people.
And they have an army of on line trolls like you.
The aim is to silence opponents of Israel so more children can be killed.
the Israelis are behind everything...
Yes, mostly a Wall.
That's a brick wall not Derek.
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