Behind the hype and "PR" (public relations), Scientology is a money-making enterprise which systematically exploits, under the guise of help, the hopes, needs, and weaknesses of those it recruits. It operates by selling questionable services with ambiguous products (so that fraud is difficult to prove), then using mind control techniques to substitute certainty (loyalty) in place of truth. The result is to make those who take the bait into captive group members who will sacrifice their lives and fortunes to the group, defend it, and insist publicly that they received benefit.
In its efforts to conceal the reality, Scientology has become notorious for vicious attacks and disregard of the civil rights of any who would expose the truth of its actual practices. As with rape and other abuse, cult activity can cause lasting harm to those involved, to their families, and to society. Scientology and social control
Well, wake, take a look at the BBC London news and there is a hymn to Scientology, the usual couple of teas to kick start the day and look at the Guardian, to find police Chief Superintendent Kevin Huntley had been speaking from the podium at the opening of the opening of the Church of Scientology (article here) £24 million centre in London.
Come back Richard Dawkins all, is forgiven, 'religion is' indeed the 'opium of the people' and for this kind of morphine the punters pay.
well, the church of wiki....tells it like it is (see)
Scientology was founded by a science fiction writer, so.... Jesus was I think unemployed but did a bit of cash in hand fishing, the Buddha was a play boy aristocrat...so perhaps one should not be sniffy about occupation.
The problem is that the theology isn't merely science fiction but science fiction one pays for dearly.
The Guardian notes that the prophet Hubbard once state,
Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."
One demonstrator, who gave his name only as Stefan, claimed that during his nine years in the association, which asks all followers to donate a minimum of $450 (£240) a year, he had lost his home.
No open source here. Scientologists move through a series of stages, where they are 'cleared'....cash changes hands
This as Oliver James points out is the essence of New Labour...the worship of cash....no wonder Scientology is being praised, its adherents are film stars and it acts to accumulate. Who was it who said 'Accumulate, accumulate...this is Moses and the prophets'
Scientology is part of the war against the commons, there are technologies of the self that exist that produce results, psychological and physical methods which are thereputic and produce pretty solid results. Meditation, etc work to some extent....you take the techniques, which are open source, use their obvious benefits to justify a complex and esoteric set of beliefs and make people pay.
On scientology and Buddhism see
The plot, we are all aliens, clearing makes us aware of our true nature and liberates us. At least you only paid £5 or £6 to watch the matrix, here it is made into a whole way of life.
An evil alien boss Xenu has apparently enslaved and weakened us but with the right techniques we can realise our true nature...this knowledge is apparently copyrighted.
Scientology uses copyright law to make people pay...., if their truths were eternal, why not give them out for free?
Its all about escaping from our beautiful planet, another gnostic heresy that ultimately preaches hostility to the living human being and the rest of nature.
The wiki entry makes interesting reading Ron Hubbard, kicked out of the US military for shelling an island which he told his men was unihabited, writing to the South African President to praise apartheid, nasty bloke if you ask me.
Tom Cruise as Pope, L. Ron Loony as the prophet....not for me but I guess Tony Blair will be around for tea if Oliver James is right.
Luckily some brave souls are mounting a fightback....see
and here is a set of texts, mainly open source....s/
Scientology will lose in the end because its critics are open source, it is a religion where you pay for the theology. All part of the American way
Bare faced messiah, the main Hubbard bio is here for free
They even had an episode of South Park, taking the piss out of them, banned....direct action, well watch it here and boycott any film with Tom Cruise in it, if they keep up their antics, we may have to act against Pulp Fiction and Grease, next. But that would be as bad as giving up short haul flights to Europe....
Eagleton's review of the God delusion would be better if he showed some sign of having read it.
Scientology is odd isn't it! Good videos anon!
Two weeks on from the hustings and still no sign of ballot papers but the video IS now up on the members site :)
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