I rather liked these when I used to give them out in the 1980s....more history another day, don't forget to come to the hustings (me or Ashley Gunstock or Keith Taylor), should be fun! any sign of the ballot papers yet!
London Fed has decided to organise a hustings for the male speakership on
Green Party Executive. This is the only post where there will be postal
voting. Your voting papers should arrive in the next week or so.
All three candidates have agreed to take part and there will be an opportunity
for members to ask questions.
DATE: Wednesday next, October 11th.
VENUE: 1b Waterlow Road, N19. This is next door to Party Office and close
to Archway Tube and several bus routes.
TIME: 7.30pm
1 comment:
No sign of those ballot papers yet... I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't be able to cast my vote!
WILL be able to come to the hustings now that I managed to top up my oyster (took me half an hour!)Hope it is as interesting as I imagine...
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