Cycling from work today, saw a guy driving a huge 4 by 4 lunge towards me, convinced it was Tony Juniper for at least 46 seconds,
anyway Calvin Jones, thanks for this, Both Calvin and I forgot the date...it is of course 4th November....London Fed of Green Parties will be having an organisation meeting and GPEX campaigns officer Tim Summers will be organising a Green Party meeting point, so watch this space.
10.00am Cycle protest assembles at Lincoln's Inn Fields, South side (Holborn/Temple tube). Goes via ExxonMobil offices, Australian Embassy and Downing Street to arrive at US embassy at 11.30 am.
11.00am Rally opens : Messages from around the world, performance poetry & musical protest with "Seize the Day" and others.
12 noon Main Rally at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square. Speakers include George Monbiot, Colin Challen MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Norman Baker MP, Zac Goldsmith.
1.00 pm March for Global Climate Justice from US embassy to Trafalgar Square
1.45 - 2.00 pm March joins i-Count's.. Mass Gathering in Trafalgar Square
1.00 - 3.00pm i-Count Mass Gathering in Trafalgar Square
Stop climate chaos are limiting their activities to the UK but the march organisers, CCC, are keen on international solidarity, more on: http://www.campaigncc.org/.
Join us for the biggest event of the year to stop climate chaos!
You forgot to say what day it is on, Derek. It is all happening on the 4th November.
thanks anon, have sorted this now...it was originally a comment from Calvin which I pasted on and w both forgot date...see you there!
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