my amigo David Taylor is to fight a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point.
I first met David at an Ecology Party South West regional meeting in the summer of 1980, his most famous exploit was building a scaffolding tower on the railway to stop dumping of nuclear waste from Sharpness docks.
Not an ecosocialist, he campaigned strongly against the motion for a single leader, a powerful, charasmatic speaker...
Stop Hinkley steps up campaign
Stop Hinkley has appointed a high-flying new campaigner in response to EdF's plans to build two nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point. David Taylor, Number 1 Green Party European candidate for the region, has been active in successful campaigns against Cruise Missiles, contributed to the demolition of a new nuclear incinerator at Hinkley Point and has demonstrated against Hinkley, Oldbury and Sizewell nuclear power stations.
David is part of an expanding team of Stop Hinkley campaigners which includes a former physics teacher at East Bridgwater community school and a former Bath Friends of the Earth campaigner.
Alan Jeffery from Blacklands in Bridgwater and Richard Carder in Bath both gave evidence in the previous Hinkley C inquiry held in 1988-89 and have followed the sudden revival of nuclear power with a sceptical interest.
See the full story on: http://www.stophinkley.org/Press%20Releases/pr080608.htm
Valerie Davey
Stop Hinkley Membership Secretary & Website Management
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