There has been a big green politics discussion about lifestyle...on the one hand we have an obsession with personal change, when what is needed is policy change. How can we be green without good public transport or a zero waste strategy from our local authority for rubbish. We should not put all the pressure on the individual.
However if we don't live green it smacks of hypocrisy and we need to explore what a green society would be like.
Any way with some serious and important controversy going on I was amused to get this from the Guardian which was a reminder of this issue.
Dear Dr Derek Wall
This October Guardian Books are publishing a collection of letters that
have appeared in the Guardian over the last 12 months.
We would very much like to include your letter (please see below) and would
be grateful for your permission to do this. Unfortunately, due to the large
number of letters included in this book, we cannot offer payment or a
complimentary copy.
We very much look forward to hearing from you. If we have not received a
response by July 17 we will assume that you are happy for us to publish
your letter in the book.
Yours sincerely
Nigel Willmott
Letters Editor
08 Nov 2007: The Guardian - Page 37 - (150 words)
Reply: Letters and emails: Green party doesn't need a leader
By: Dr Derek Wall
Far from being leaderless (Letters, November 6), the Green party is run by
an executive elected by the members, has a conference which decides policy
and has two principal speakers who put forward policy to the public. This
level of democracy and accountability is unusual for a British political
party, but this is no reason to reject a model that gives members power. I
am calling on Green party members to defend our unique form of internal
democracy by voting No in the leader ballot. Rather than suggesting the
party becomes more like the conventional top-down political parties and
select a single leader, Jonathon Porritt could show a little more personal
leadership. Last year he took 42 flights to go to meetings to tell people
to cut CO2. My call is for him to use video conferencing a more and fly a
little less.
Dr Derek Wall
Green party male principal speaker
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