First priority...elect as many Green London Assembly members as possible...and support a combinination of Ken and Sian for Mayor...Boris is a case of 'Vote Blue, get greed'...the candidate of George Bush, Exxon and the climate deniers.
Ken is being attacked not for what he gets wrong but for what he gets right...social justice, environment, opposition to war.
The neo-cons would love to see an anti-War candidate lose...Ken is obviously better than Boris on the environment
I don't always agree with Jonathon Porritt but I think he could be right on this one.
'The prospect of Boris as Mayor of London is just so scary. Either he is a genuine, out-and-out buffoon, in which case London becomes a laughing stock alongside its Mayor, or he is a pseudo-buffoon, in which case his true ideological nastiness will soon be revealed. The prospect of Boris taking over London's Climate Change Action Plan is even scarier. He may have learnt not to reveal his full contrarian bigotry on climate change, but he really doesn't get it, and would rapidly scale back or completely get rid of the ambitious targets in the Action Plan. And that would be a massive set back.'
Ken, after being endorsed by Friends of the Earth noted:
Ken Livingstone said:
"I am delighted that Friends of the Earth have brought to Londoners' attention the clear choice they face.
"Boris Johnson's main contribution to environmental policy was as a cheerleader for George W Bush's disastrous decision to oppose the Kyoto climate treaty.
"It didn't seem possible six weeks ago, but Boris Johnson's environmental policies have got even worse during the course of the campaign. At the start he tried to hoodwink Londoners with his opposition to a new Heathrow runway, but his minders couldn't keep the true Boris under wraps throughout, and last week he revealed that his "big idea" for London is to build a new airport in the Thames Gateway.
"The election is neck and neck and everyone who cares about the environment needs to vote for me to stop Boris Johnson wrecking London's environment."
Ken and Sian write in the Independent:
We agree with your editorial that the London elections could have wider significance than simply their impact on the capital (‘The contest is local, the significance national’, 28 April).
No other newspaper can match the Independent’s coverage of environmental issues, and thus Independent readers know better than most just how urgent is the need to tackle climate change.
Cities contribute three quarters of world greenhouse gas emissions, so the fight to prevent catastrophic climate change will be won or lost in places like London.
With an environmentally committed Mayor and Green Party representation on its Assembly London has taken a global lead on environmental policy over the last eight years.
But that just wouldn’t be possible with Boris Johnson as Mayor. He may be funny on TV, but Johnson is an opponent of the Kyoto climate treaty, would scrap our plans for a £25 gas-guzzler charge, and says his ‘big idea’ for London is a new emissions-busting airport in the Thames Gateway.
Suddenly he’s not so funny.
Unusually, Londoners who care about the environment have two ways to do something about this: use your two votes for Mayor on 1 May to vote either Ken 1 and Sian 2, or Sian 1 and Ken 2.
Sian Berry, Green Party candidate for Mayor
Ken Livingstone, Labour Party candidate for Mayor
Finally, There are some great YouTube videos at londonvids.com of which this is one of the best
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