Well dirty Bertie is on the way out but his greatest crime continues, sadly with a Green Party coalition government.
Tara Pixies are having some effect, I salute you brave Pixies....detailed sociological research suggests that progress on the environment only comes with mischief.
Pixie blog here. Right that's enough from me on to the serious people:
The Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp is situated two and a half kilometres from the Hill of Tara, on the Front Line of the proposed M3 between Lismullen and Baronstown. We are a diverse and international group of activists working together in a non-hierarchal way with the aim of putting a stop to the proposed M3. Currently we are hoping to obtain Gaeltacht Status, as Irish is spoken and taught in the camp on a daily basis.
We participate in Non Violent Direct Action tactics in order to halt the ongoing destruction of the Tara complex. The camp works with an emphasis on the preservation of our heritage and our culture predating Christianity for future generations to appreciate and learn from. This involves blockading the key routes, hence stopping as much machinery and construction as possible on the sites.
As Rath Lugh is an outer defence post for the Hill of Tara, it is possible for us to keep a permanent vigil on the movement of vehicles and personnel working on various construction sites throughout the valley. We also maintain a constant presence on the Rath Lugh National Monument, which is currently under a temporary preservation order. We aim to see this significant monument permanently preserved in-line with the rest of the Tara Complex.
Our daily duties in the camp involve collecting firewood, water from the well, taking and processing footage and photos, cooking meals, washing, scouting the valley for machinery, finding ancient artifacts in the Gabhra River, and jumping in front of diggers, steamrollers, graders and earth movers.
In order to educate and promote the importance of sustainable development within the Tara Valley and through the wider world using energy efficient technologies, we have recently installed a number of wind turbines and solar panels with a pedal powered bicycle generator. This enables us to charge mobile phones, camera batteries and have constant access to internet with the use of IT facilities. Green technology allows us to create an alternative media platform further highlighting the ongoing destruction of the Valley to a world wide community of activists, concerned groups, governments, NGOs and individuals inside and outside of Ireland. www.tarapixie.net is updated every day from the Rath Lugh Woods.
We believe that the Irish Government are spreading misinformation regarding the issues of heritage and culture about the destruction of the Tara Complex. We are currently engaged in active awareness protests around the country. Groups are raising awareness of the Quarry Protest in Kildare and Meath, Pylon Protest, Hill of Allen (Roadstone are mining the hill and the Fianna training grounds), Shell to Sea, Rockall, Dunquinn and various anti incinerator groups. All have the common goal of halting the destruction of our heritage, environment and natural resources. In unity, our voice is heard, in solidarity, we are stronger and we will not rest until sustainable development is obtained.
Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp welcomes all friends of Tara. We need people urgently to halt the Valley's destruction. Everyone has a skill or talent they can lend to this protest. Bring wellies, raingear, sleeping bags, torch, lighter, plenty of warm clothing, and good spirits. The protest is only going to get stronger, we will continue to oppose the motorway until it is moved, so come to Rath Lugh as quickly as you can. WE NEED YOU ALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Tara is calling, don't ignore the call.
Slan a Pixie ;)
086 1537 146
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