St George – Multicultural icon
Rebel against Roman tyranny
Human rights defender London and Oxford – 23 April 2008
"St George's Day should be a national holiday in England. We should celebrate St George as a symbol of freedom, dissent andmulticulturalism," says human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. "It is time we ditched the myths surrounding St George and celebrated the reality of his courageous life. "He doesn't belong to the far right. He represents multiculturalism and rebellion against tyranny. "St George wasn't white or English. He was a rebel from the Middle East. His father was Turkish and his mother probably Palestinian. Here relled against the Roman Emperor Diocletian and was executed for opposing the persecution of Christians by the Romans. "An early defender human rights, he is a heroic symbol of protest andthe right to freedom of belief and expression. "St George's parentage embodies multiculturalism and his life expresses the values of English liberalism and dissent," said MrTatchell.
Further information: Peter Tatchell 020 7403 1790 -- NOTE: Please do not reply via this automated email system. If you want to respond to this email, or at any time to contact Peter,please email him at his NEW email address - peter@petertatchell.net Peter Tatchell is the Green Party parliamentary candidate for Oxford Eastwww.greenoxford.com/peter and www.petertatchell.net
PETER TATCHELL HUMAN RIGHTS FUND Donations are requested to help Peter Tatchell's campaigns promotinghuman rights, democracy and global justice. Peter is unpaid andreceives no grants. He depends on donations from friends andsupporters. Please make cheques payable to: "Peter Tatchell Human Rights Fund". Send to: PTHRF, PO Box 35253, London E1 4YF To download a donation form or a standing order mandate, go toDonations at: www.tatchellrightsfund.org For information about Peter Tatchell's campaigns: www.petertatchell.net
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