6 Apr 2009

Greens must support Visteon!

Just seen this...

As people are probably aware, workers are currently occupying Visteon Car Plant in Enfield against redundancies. But in an exciting move, workers have also raised the idea of transfering from producing cars to more environmentally useful things. This is from the text of their leaflet:

'As well as proper redundancy payments, some are suggesting that the skills of the workers who can make anything in plastic, should be used to make increasingly needed parts for green products - bike and trailer parts, solar panels, turbines, etc. Government investment in this rather than throwing money at bankers could be profitable & save jobs in the long term.'

The green new deal has been rhetorical, if Campaign against Climate Change & the environmental movement throw themselves behind the occupation of the car plant and really mobilise and take environmental banners etc. down there, then this can really build an alliance between organised labour and the climate change movement that will be really good for both. I honestly think that Campaign against Climate Change should contact the union reps to call a London demo outside the occupied plant!

Rush messages of solidarity to visteonoccupation@gmail.com!

Adam Johannes
Cardiff Campaign against Climate Change

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