19 Sept 2009

Join Green Left

Green left is open to all members of the Green Party of England and Wales.

Please send cheques for £5 for membership up to 1/10/2010 to GL Treasurer c/o P.Murry, 18a Oxgate Gardens, London NW2 6EB

I would of course urge those reading from outside of England and Wales to set up their own Green Lefts.

If your not really a Green Party person...well in the UK Socialist Resistance do an excellent job of promoting ecosocialism and there are more anarchic social movements such as the climate camp which fight for ecology and oppose capitalism.

In Australia Green Left Weekly are excellent.

There are of course big indigenous networks in some parts of the world, the best in my opinion being in the Peruvian Amazon. working hard for ecosocialist goals of justice, ecology and direct democratic participation.

If you are an ecosocialist, its essential to get active and organised.....navel gazing is not an option...got get out there and link up with others and work for change.

And of course good luck if you are just eco or just socialist, it all helps.

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