Agenda first draft for our 24th May meeting...you can join Green Left if you are a Green Party member...there is an Australian version of GL in the Australian Green Party and several left groups in Les Verts...talk of putting together a GL in Scotland as well.
Agenda Items for the AGM (more suggestions welcome)
1. Minutes of last agm if available
2. Finances
3. Election of new Committee: Nominations
4. "Gleft/London Federation of Green parties congratulates the Durban dockers of the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu), and the police trade union (POPCRU) members who supported them for turning away the Chinese arms shipment to Zimbabwe where it might be used to attack trades unionists and others engaged in the struggle for democratic rights in Zimbabwe. We note that such action would be illegal if taken by British Trades unionists and call for a restoration of the rights of British trades unionists to take solidarity action with other groups nationally and internationally."
Prop P.Murry sec John Carver (PP: GPTU)
5. Population /migration motion possibly
"Any population policy is only acceptable if it
1. rejects the notion of setting a target population for the UK
2. calls on gov't to build and adapt ecologically friendly housing stock to be provided affordably on a basis of social need
3. calls for immediate international negotiations on world population size, distribution and migration, in view of the fact that a climate change refugee problem is already starting, adding to the push and pull factors caused by gross international inequality."
6. Motion a public statement of support for NUT/UCU/PCS
7. Support for Hugo Blanco (see http://www.socialistvoice.ca/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/blanco-indigenous.pdf)
8. Anti-Fascism
Phelim Mac Caferty writes: How about anti-fascism? Given Richard 'gay porn film' Barnbrook getting a seat on the LA, think we need motion on continuing, deepening and broadening work against the BNP, to discredit them in office, campaign that this is their first and last 4 years on London's Assembly and to stop them at all costs from getting a seat in Europe.
9. Forthcoming events
1. Heathrow Demo May 31st (http://www.campaigncc.org/heathrow.shtml)
2. GPTU conference July 12th 10-6, Friends' Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, Sussex BN1 1AF (10 minutes from Brighton BR), TEL (01273) 770258 website http://www.brightonquakers.co.uk/
* Caroline Lucas MEP,
* Tony Kearns (CWU),
* Kate Greene (CPAG)
1. Migration/ Population policy and International relations (J.Healy)
2. Future strategies for links between Greens and TUs (P. MacCafferty)
Admission £8 / £4 concs
3. Tolpuddle
4. Compass
5. Convention of the Left
10. AOB
Green Left members have also been involved in organising the Campaign Against Climate Change Trades Union conferences and organising CACCTU fringes at TU conference and another CACCTU conference in 2009.
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