Green Left AGM saw about 30 of us discuss positively lots of stuff...next mobilisation is for the Heathrow demo on saturday.
AGM minutes 24 May 2008
1.Observers; The meeting agreed to the presence of observers provided that they declared their political allegiances and withdrew for certain items if requested. Observers from Socialist Resistance and the Association of Socialist Greens (Alliance for Green Socialism?) were present.
2.Minutes of last AGM were not available
a)£240 in bank account (now fully operative).
b) £100 owed by M.Sellwood.
c) £50 paid to P.Murry reimbursement for room hire for AGM.
d) From October 1 2008 membership would be on a £5 pa subscription basis and some subscriptions and donations had been received.
e) A vote of thanks to the Treasurer was passed
4. Reports from Committee:
a) Co convenor (P.Murry) reported that he had been mainly occupied with setting up website and blog and database to assist with new membership arrangements Plans for a Birmingham meeting had fallen through but there had been activity in assisting Campaign Against Climate Change TU Group with its conference and other activities.
b) International Report (J.Healy) Concern expressed over Green/right coalitions & alliances in Europe and rise of fascism & xenophobia in Italy.
c) International Report (D.Wall) links with Latin America (esp. Cuba, Venezuela and Columbia) had been maintained.
d) TU liaison S.Tibbles had been working on this via the Green Party Trades Union group and had been elected to exec of Southeast Region TUC and Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom.
e) Political Liaison J.Ennis had been working with J.Healy on translating eco-shopping guide from Italian.
f) Campaigns (Jonathan Essex) Concentrating on preparations for Heathrow demo 31/5/2008, assemble 12noon Hatton Cross tube. Other campaigns to be discussed a campaigns meeting 2-6pm 24/5/2008.
4. European Report(Joseph Healy) Observers withdrew for this item. The full report is available on GL email list.
5. The following motion passed unan nem con
"Gleft/London Federation of Green parties congratulates the Durban dockers of the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu), and the police trade union (POPCRU) members who supported them for turning away the Chinese arms shipment to Zimbabwe where it might be used to attack trades unionists and others engaged in the struggle for democratic rights in Zimbabwe. We note that such action would be illegal if taken by British Trades unionists and call for a restoration of the rights of British trades unionists to take solidarity action with other groups nationally and internationally."
6.Population /migration The next steering committee would discuss a response to the second draft of the population policy in time for conference motion s deadline 5/6/2008. bearing in mind the following:
"Any population policy is only acceptable if it
A.rejects the notion of setting a target population for the UK
B.calls on gov't to build and adapt ecologically friendly housing stock to be provided affordably on a basis of social need
C.calls for immediate international negotiations on world population size, distribution and migration, in view of the fact that a climate change refugee problem is already starting, adding to the push and pull factors caused by gross international inequality.
D.adopts the " Europe is a continent of migration” (European Green Party : Adopted Paper).”
7. Motion a public statement of support for NUT/UCU/PCS passed unan nem con
“"We support the recent strike action by NUT, UCU and PCS and note that it is absurd to claim that the workers involved were overpaid. We support their struggles for decent pay rates and against the casualisation of their work."
8.Support for Hugo Blanco (see http://www.socialistvoice.ca/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/blanco-indigenous.pdf) . D.Wall described the work of Hugo Blanco and S.American indigenous peoples’ movements . It was agreed that GL contribute funds to the production of HB’s magazine (NB How much?)
9. Anti-Fascism the following motion passed unan nem con
“This AGM notes that the British National Party:
Is a fascist, racist and homophobic organisation that stands for an all-white Britain and the destruction of trade unions.
Stood 119 candidates in the 2005 general election, winning a total of 192.750 cotes, 4 times their vote at the 2001 elections.
Has 21 councillors across Britain; won 130,714 votes, in the London assembly elections, and has now got a seat.
In the GLA elections of May 2008, the BNP in barking and Dagenham ward won 24.75%, with an average of nearly 10% throughout City and East.
The BNP have nationally made only a net gain of ten council seats in this round of elections, which is well short of the three AMs and forty council seats that they predicted.
This AGM further notes
The broadest public coalition is needed to stop the continued rise of the BNP and to stop them from making a breakthrough into mass politics achieved by the far right throughout Europe including, for example the National Front in France and the Freedom party in Austria.
We can help defeat the BNP through funding research into their activities and campaigning against them wherever and whenever they appear and applaud the work of, among many others, the UAF.
This AGM resolves to deepen and braoaden anti-facsist work by:
Continuing to use whatever appropriate methods to stop the BNP
Wherever the BNP have been elected , on the GLA and elsewhere, to publicly discredit them and their race hatred.
Working explicitly with as many others (as possible?) against the fascist threat
Campaigning in our unions for the political isolation and expulsion of fascists
Writing a stronger GPEW anti-fascist policy to submit to autumn conference
developing and presenting policies of the GP which addresses the material concerns of those of the electors currently inclined to vote BNP.”
10 GPTU conference July 12th 10-6, Friends' Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, Sussex BN1 1AF (10 minutes from Brighton BR), Featuring Caroline Lucas Green Party MEP, Tony Kearns (Communications Workers Union), Kate Greene (Child Poverty Action Group) & Workshops on Migration/ Population policy and International relations (J.Healy) and Future strategies for links between Greens and TUs (P.MacCafferty)
11 Tolpuddle there may be a GP stall this year contact mdouglas@gn.apc.org
12 Compass conference noted
13 Convention of the Left 20-25 /9/2008 GL agreed to sponsor D.Wall’s appearance and other activities contact http://www.conventionoftheleft.org/
14 Green Left members have also been involved in organising the Campaign Against Climate Change Trades Union conferences and organising CACCTU fringes at TU conferences and another CACCTU conference in 2009.
15 Steering Committee elected as follows
CO-Convenors: J.Healy, S.Farrow
Treasurer: S.Bineham
Membership/web Secretary: P.Murry
International liaison: D.Wall & S.Ennis
TU liaison: S.Tibbles
Political/GPRC liaison: A.Hewett
Anti Fascist liaison: P.MacCafferty & P.Cooney
Councillor liaison: R. Phoenix
Media Officer; F.Bakht
NHS liaison: P.Torabi (needs to be asked if he is
willing to occupy this post)
Political education: Sean Thompson:
Liaison with Young Greens: Aled Fisher
NB the meeting decided not to co-opt John Henry Mavin as it was not clear what capacity this would be in and as he was not present to support his candidature. He is welcome to join GL
A)A.Wheatley noted that her had been little or no follow upon the motion on disabled workers rights passed at the last GP conference.
B)J Essex wished opposition to Conservatives and possible \Henley by –election raised.
C)Socialist resistance event. J.Healy to speak
D) Socialist party event. A.Hewett to speak
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