"I had been speaking at the Adam Smith Institute," Guido explains. "They have made a lot of money so the booze is usually pretty good. I moved on with a few people to the Westminster Arms, where I bought drinks, and then to the Kennington Tandoori to show everyone the picture of Prezza on the wall. Then I was giving a few people a lift to Victoria station when the fuckers pulled me over."
I thought who is this drunk loud guy sat behind us, it was one of those TV political award shows....I went along with Sian Berry (then female Principala) and Jim Killock.
He was very interested in Sian.
It turned out to be Guido Fawkes, 'top tory blogger' once in the rather nasty Federation of Conservative Students...their slogan was 'Hang Nelson Mandela' rather than 'Vote Blue - get Green'.
The photo above shows 'Paul Staines of Popular Propaganda displays pro-UNITA t-shirt with visiting representative of the African anti-Communist fighters UNITA'
He has apparently been sentenced to a curfew and tagged for drink driving....I wonder whether this will be part of Nu Labour's increasingly strident law and order campaign at the Crewe by-election.
Chickn yoghurt reports:
Blogger Guido Fawkes was sentenced to a three month curfew order this afternoon after being convicted of driving while over the legal alcohol limit and without insurance.
Appearing at Tower Bridge Magistrates Court the blogger, real name Paul Staines, was told the curfew would operate between the hours of 9pm and 6am. Staines, 41, will also have to wear an electronic tag.
The judge also handed down an 18-month supervision order and a three year driving ban. Staines will be required to retake his driving test when the driving ban has elapsed. He was also ordered to pay the prosecution’s £60 costs.
(Additional reporting by Tim Ireland)
Posted on May 15th, 2008 at 1:40 pm
You can get an idea of the quality of debate on his blog by looking at comments such as this:
York Tory said...
I really can't stand the pious moralising of these retarded fuckwits. Cameron can go fuck himself, and I hope Brown drowns in a pile of slurry.
They are all cunts.
Having worked hard to elected 'Borisconi' friend of the right, Guido is a little upset that his blonde pal has banned alcohol on public transport....Guido's drink filled transport options are fast disappearing.
It got off to a good start with the police making good on his tough crime stance promise - shooting a drunk gun toting lawyer. However this banning of drink on public transport* has Guido worried (for one reason and another). Will hip-flasks be confiscated?
Will we be able to travel intoxicated, will one be able travel with bottles of booze? What are the mechanics of this? Guido may have to resort to Cameroon style transport arrangements in London - cycling one-handed while swigging from a jug of Pimms. Oh, hold on...
You describe Guido as a tory blogger - I think you'll find that he's not a member of the Conservative Party, and, is in fact a member of the Irish Liberal Party.
Good Job! :)
Good Job! :)
this is nice post and you done a good job..
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