Castro phones in latest another green world piece
Well Comrade Castro is the daddy when it comes to biofuel...he has retired as Head of State and seems to occupy himself as a journalist sending in choice cuts for another green world along with comrade Abu-Jamal (he will be blogging on Bob Marshall-Andrews later!)...virtually before any one he condemned biofoolery....
Green fuel...you just grow it, it had me fooled and yes if you are filling up on chip fat, well great.
However like everything it is corrupted by capitalism...the infamous 'green' biofuel boat which I attempted to sink (albeit rhetorically...rather than Captain Paul Watson style) was sponsored by big biofuel companies.
Land which could be used for food is used for SUVs and already people are starving...palm oil production means people are kicked off of their land and forests destroyed.
Instead of public transport, work from home, walking, cycling....it is as always about preserving the conventional economy based on waste...tonnes of metal on wheels whizzing around, there has to be a better way....this is on the campaign against the Beckton biofuel plant.
Help us stop the UK’S first biofuel-burning power plant!
Dear All,
It’s just over a month since mandatory biofuel blending of 2.5% was
introduced in the UK under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation.
Around 200 people took part in the protest outside Downing Street which
Biofuelwatch organised jointly with the Campaign Against Climate
change, and different groups across the country organised another ten
regional protests.
Yet the message gets more stark with every day: There can be no
workable sustainability criteria for monoculture agrofuels, because
industrial monocultures are inherently unsustainable and because
there is no way of stopping deforestation, land-grabs, human rights
abuses, and all of these lead to increased hunger and accelerated climate
And things are set to get worse in the UK; we may be witnessing the
beginnings of a new use for vegetable oil…large-scale burning in power
On 4th June, Newham London Borough Council will debate a planning
application made by Blue-NG Ltd for the UK’s first combined heat and
power plant to be run on biofuels. This will be a large plant, burning
56,000 litres of vegetable oil a day. The final decision will be made
shortly afterwards by the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation.
Blue NG are planning seven further plants to follow this one.
Blue-NG Ltd. and 20C Ltd. have managed to deceive councillors and
environmental groups alike by disguising the fuel source and they have
failed to engage the local community in the consultation process. This is
of particular concern given the noxious emissions associated with burning
pure plant oils such as rapeseed and palm oil, which are a threat to
public health. In Germany the courts recently ruled against a CHP plant
burning palm oil, forcing it to close for just this reason.
For more information about the Blue NG proposal, click here;
For full details on how to take action, click here;
If you live in London, then please send an objection to the Planning
Officers, expressing your concern. You can find a draft letter by
following the ‘how to take action’ link above. We are asking only people
from London to send the letters since we are not sure whether lots of
letters from elsewhere will help at this stage.
On Wednesday June 4th at 7pm Newham LBC has their final consultation. If
you are a member of an environmental group or a local person living in
and would like to give evidence at this meeting then please submit your
concerns as described above and make a specific request to present
evidence at the consultation meeting on the 4th.
There are two protest events run jointly by Biofuelwatch and London Food
not Fuel;
1). Saturday May 31st which includes two activities: There will be a
stall outside Sainsbury's on Myrtle Road, East Ham from 10:30 to 6:30. We
could do with help manning the stall, explaining and handing out
flyers and getting signatures for a petition. This will be followed by a
banner protest from 3:00 to 5:00pm at Newham Town Hall, East Ham on the
Barking Road around the corner from Sainsburys.
2). Wednesday 4th June. The second event will be timed to coincide with
councillors attending the final consultation meeting at Newham Town Hall
on June 4th. The meeting is at 7:00pm so we will be protesting from
6:30pm, Newham Town Hall, High Street South entrance, East Ham.
Please help us STOP the UK’s first biofuel power plant!
Biofuelwatch: info@biofuelwatch.org.uk
Deepak Rughani 07931 636 337; Almuth Ernsting 01224 324 797
Food Not Fuel: Maryla 07793 319 141; Amanda Burton 07939 522 966
Clare 07761 111 1325
3rd June: The Network for Climate Action has called for a Day of Action on
Food and Climate Change. This has been timed to coincide with the UN High
Level Conference on Food Security, Climate Change and Bioenergy in Rome.
For full details see:
6th August: This year's Climate Camp will be held outside Kingsnorth
Power Station from 3rd to 11th August. On 6th August, there will be a Day
of Action against Agrofuels which will be part of (and organised by) the
Climate Camp. For full details, see www.climatecamp.org.uk
Although we are all volunteers, we do need money for printing and
travel expenses. We also hope to be able to employ an administrator in
future, to help us be more effective. If you can help with a one-off
donation, with a standing order, or with fundraising, that would be great.
See here for details: http://www.biofuelwatch.org.uk/donate.php
or email us at info@biofuelwatch.org.uk .
We also welcome volunteers whether it's for research, outreach,
fundraising, admin, etc. If you have any time to spare and are
please email us.
Thank you for all your support!
Best wishes,
Biofuelwatch Team.
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