Oil is the vital resource under the feet of 35 million men, women and children in Iraq. And it still theoretically belongs to them. The Iraqi National Oil Company is still publicly owned. The warmongers and occupiers haven't yet got what they came for. Iraq's oil is still un-privatised. And Iraq's oil workers in particular are in a strategic position, socially, industrially and historically to make sure that it never is. wrote Ewa Jasiewicz
Two announcements which are important, one on the oil war from LINE and one on direct action against war.
i.e why war must end from my favourite Islamic green network and how we can stop it from a serious focus network.
Peace -
Whilst runaway climate change looms, the pursuit of the world's oil reserves appears no less intense. Within the upcoming February LINE forum (see below), we will look at how the oil wealth in Iraq is being carved up, the implications, and actions that can be taken to resist and to push for alternatives. The dynamics behind the proposed plan has recently been touched on by the mainstream media:
e.g the Independent newspaper:
Our speaker at LINE will be Ewa Jasiewicz, a writer and experienced human rights activist who has worked and lived in Palestine and Iraq. Within the forum we will also be discussing LINE's environmental activities for the coming months. Please feel free to forward this email to others who may be interested, and we look forward to seeing you on the 11th.
Please note, LINE monthly forums take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
London Islamic Network for the Environment (LINE) Monthly Forums invites you to:
Date: Sunday 11th Feb 2007
Time: 2.15 pm to 4.45pm
Venue: 4th Floor, Muslim World League, 46 Goodge Street, London, W1T 4LU (entrance on the corner of Charlotte Street); Nearest Tube: Goodge Street (Northern Line)
Guest Speaker:
Ewa Jasiewicz (Writer and Human Rights Activist, PLATFORM)
How are oil companies and the governments of the occupying powers in Iraq influencing the process of controlling Iraqi oil to advance their own political and economic interests? How are people in Iraq responding to the plans to de-facto privatise their oil without any consultation? What are the alternatives to the agreements advocated to maximise the benefits of Iraq's oil revenues to benefit the Iraqi people? How can those opposed to the agenda of economic occupation in Iraq, through the control of Iraq's oil reserves, resist this process? There will be an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and within the forum to also hear about environmental activities LINE is active with.
About the speaker:
Ewa Jasiewicz is a writer, human rights activist and union organiser. She has worked and lived in occupied Palestine and Iraq supporting families, medical services and civil society organisations. She is a founder of Naftana the UK support committee for the anti-occupation,
anti-dictatorship independent Iraqi oil workers union-the General Union of Oil Employees. She is currently working as an organiser for the Transport and General Workers Union as well as a researcher and campaigner at PLATFORM, a social and environmental justice organisation working on a campaign against oil privatisation in Iraq.
LINE Website: http://www.lineonweb.org.uk ; LINE Tel : 0845 456 3960 (local rate)
LINE is the UK's first local Islamic environmental group. We hold open monthly forums in central London. Our activities include educational talks and workshops, climate change campaigning, and ethically orientated food and social events. Find out more about us by visiting our website: http://www.lineonweb.org.uk
Hello - please join our Direct Action Network.
Visit us: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/directactionagainstwar
To join our network please send a blank email to the address below & then wait for, and reply to, the confirmation message:
KEY NOTE: Messages are sent out in roughly twice weekly digests so as not to overload your inbox.
PURPOSE: As the 'War On Terror' spills over into a war across the entire Middle & Near East, and Horn of Africa, it is well past time to move beyond the comfort zone of A-B demonstrations (important as they are) and towards direct confrontation and opposition to our own illegal military state.
DAAW is a well moderated e-group. Most events or actions which are asking more than just the signing of another petition, or which are more than just another march from point A to point B, will be considered for approval as a form of Direct Action.
The Group Guidelines Can Be Read Here:
BACKGROUND: The DAAW message board was initially created in Jan 2003 to protest the arrival of US B52 Bombers to RAF Fairford, U.K, from where Iraq was then carpet-bombed. Since then the message board has become home to a wide range of Direct Action related campaigns and protests.
We look forward to receiving your subscription request.
Once subscribed send messages to: directactionagainstwar@yahoogroups.com
Visit us: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/directactionagainstwar
'How to be green? Many people have asked us this important question. It's really very simple and requires no expert knowledge or complex skills. Here's the answer. Consume less. Share more. Enjoy life.' Penny Kemp and Derek Wall
31 Jan 2007
30 Jan 2007
Gilad Atzmon libel threat to Sue Blackwell
Let me make a confession. I was brought up as a Zionist in an orthodox Jewish household. I also grew up in the shadow of the Holocaust. I concluded from an early age that if anti-Semitism was wrong, then all forms of racism were equally wrong.
Unfortunately the Zionist movement drew the opposite conclusion. Indeed it accepted the arguments of anti-Semitism that Jews did not belong in the lands where they were born and grew up. They were strangers living in exile (Galut). They should ‘return’ to Palestine. Unfortunately they took with them the ideological framework of European racism. In essence, the anti-Semites said ‘you do not belong’ and the Zionists said ‘we agree’.
This is from Tony Greenstein, who is part of the Alliance for Green Socialism (who I as a green and a socialist would love to see in the GPEW! not organising as another Party), he has a fantastic record as a campaigner on a range of issues including support for Palestine as well as opposition to anti-semitism...issues which as you know I am pretty passionate about.
I have been strongly opposing anti-semites in the monetary reform/social credit movement as well as supporting Palestine and hailing figures like the late great Edward Said.
The excellent socialist unity site contains a statement from Tony about how Sue Blackwell is being sued by Gilad Atzmon.
Please read this and support Sue and educate your selves about the issue of 'left' anti-semitism (not left criticism of Israel in relation to Palestine but holocaust denial and nasty conspiracy orientated attacks linked to race).
Any way on to the statement from Tony...
"Many people will be aware of who Gilad Atzmon is. An ex-Israeli jazz player and anti-Semite who has become a Christian fundamentalist.
"Sue Blackwell is the Birmingham University lecturer who successfully moved a motion at the Association of University Teachers 2005 Conference supporting a boycott of Israel. She has a 'Nazi Alert' webpage which features Atzmon and it is this he has taken exception to.
"Although Sue has not called Atzmon a neo-nazi or a Holocaust Denier, there is no doubt that when not consorting with the SWP he enjoys the convivial company of a variety of anti-Semitic fruitcakes such as Israel Shamir and Paul Eisen. His own website is replete with Jewish conspiracy articles. Atzmon has hired lawyers who have sent a letter threatening Sue with defamation proceedings. "
Unfortunately the Zionist movement drew the opposite conclusion. Indeed it accepted the arguments of anti-Semitism that Jews did not belong in the lands where they were born and grew up. They were strangers living in exile (Galut). They should ‘return’ to Palestine. Unfortunately they took with them the ideological framework of European racism. In essence, the anti-Semites said ‘you do not belong’ and the Zionists said ‘we agree’.
This is from Tony Greenstein, who is part of the Alliance for Green Socialism (who I as a green and a socialist would love to see in the GPEW! not organising as another Party), he has a fantastic record as a campaigner on a range of issues including support for Palestine as well as opposition to anti-semitism...issues which as you know I am pretty passionate about.
I have been strongly opposing anti-semites in the monetary reform/social credit movement as well as supporting Palestine and hailing figures like the late great Edward Said.
The excellent socialist unity site contains a statement from Tony about how Sue Blackwell is being sued by Gilad Atzmon.
Please read this and support Sue and educate your selves about the issue of 'left' anti-semitism (not left criticism of Israel in relation to Palestine but holocaust denial and nasty conspiracy orientated attacks linked to race).
Any way on to the statement from Tony...
"Many people will be aware of who Gilad Atzmon is. An ex-Israeli jazz player and anti-Semite who has become a Christian fundamentalist.
"Sue Blackwell is the Birmingham University lecturer who successfully moved a motion at the Association of University Teachers 2005 Conference supporting a boycott of Israel. She has a 'Nazi Alert' webpage which features Atzmon and it is this he has taken exception to.
"Although Sue has not called Atzmon a neo-nazi or a Holocaust Denier, there is no doubt that when not consorting with the SWP he enjoys the convivial company of a variety of anti-Semitic fruitcakes such as Israel Shamir and Paul Eisen. His own website is replete with Jewish conspiracy articles. Atzmon has hired lawyers who have sent a letter threatening Sue with defamation proceedings. "
Support the strike!
I took industrial action as a university teacher and a tough experience it turned out to be even though I only work part time for them...more of this in my diaries in 2046.
Here is my statement in support of the PCS! More here
Derek Wall, Green Party Principal Speaker, said "The people going on strike do so to defend the services we all take for granted. They aren't high flying mandarins or faceless bureaucrats, but hard working ordinary people.
"Massive job cuts, low pay, privatisation, office closures, worsening working conditions and plummeting morale mean that the PCS will go on a one-day strike tomorrow - and they have the Green Party's support."
The selected day is the deadline for self assessment tax returns. It will be followed up by a two week overtime ban. The strike will impact on more than 200 government departments.
Derek Wall also highlighted misdirected government spending on the Iraq war and replacement of Trident, and emphasised the need for civil service managers to take seriously the concerns of its membership.
Here is my statement in support of the PCS! More here
Derek Wall, Green Party Principal Speaker, said "The people going on strike do so to defend the services we all take for granted. They aren't high flying mandarins or faceless bureaucrats, but hard working ordinary people.
"Massive job cuts, low pay, privatisation, office closures, worsening working conditions and plummeting morale mean that the PCS will go on a one-day strike tomorrow - and they have the Green Party's support."
The selected day is the deadline for self assessment tax returns. It will be followed up by a two week overtime ban. The strike will impact on more than 200 government departments.
Derek Wall also highlighted misdirected government spending on the Iraq war and replacement of Trident, and emphasised the need for civil service managers to take seriously the concerns of its membership.
29 Jan 2007
Vista no thanks, Greens gang up on microsoft

Principal Speaker Sian Berry said:
"Future archaeologists will be able to identify a 'Vista Upgrade Layer' when they go through our landfill sites."
More from us on the deficiencies of microsoft and in praise of open source software here
28 Jan 2007
Resisting the big brother eviction

"Although we won the first battle we still have a fight on our hands. But I bet the Big Brother household will have the first eviction before us."
Well don't forget to rip up your juice contracts to save the lakes from the electricity company Npower who plan to fill with ash.
The Radley Lake Squatters are dug in and defending the lakes, I say, good for them...there is so much ecospin, good to see some solid eco action for a change...go on lib dems and cameroons, make my day and come out and support the squatters!
But (this is from EF!AU) on the 24th Jan Npower got the court agreement to shift the protesters 24.01.2007
today the oxford courts found in favour of npower and have granted immediate possesion of Sandles. A call out to anyone to come down and bring cake and lock on tubes!
Call the site mobile 0777 2055 384
Squatters include veterans from Newbury anti-road protest, have discussed this kind of direct action in my book on Earth First!
and done a little bit myself!
Lets be clear the Green Party of England and Wales believes that direct action as well as electoral activity is part of the process for liberating the Earth and humanity...
PB501 We do not believe that there is only one way to change society, or that we have all the answers. We seek to be part of a wider green movement that works for these principles through a variety of means. We generally support those who use reasonable and non-violent forms of direct action to further just aims.
PB502 Our beliefs will bring us into conflict with those committed to material affluence, the accumulation of power and the unsustainable exploitation of the Earth. We are always ready to negotiate with those who oppose us, and seek fair settlements that respect their needs for security, self esteem and freedom of choice.
PB503 We will even work with those who disagree with us where sufficient common ground can be found to do so. However, we do not seek power at any price, and will withdraw our support if we are asked to make irreversible or fundamental compromises.
More from the Oxford Times here
The campaign to save Radley Lakes from dumping was launched in 2005 by Save Radley Lakes. Although distancing itself from the squatters' activities, SRL supports the action because it will delay the power company's scheme.
The squatters have praised local residents for the "wonderful" support they have received in supplies.
Kelly Brown, of RWE npower, said: "It is our view that the squatters are occupying the house illegally. So far the occupation has not impacted on the programme at Thrupp Lake, but we need to gain access and start work. We want to get cracking by early spring, because we are entering a crucial time as birds prepare to nest."
Well Kelly is keen to get in there and steal the birds nesting places but Matt Morton from the Greens is keen to preserve their habitat:
Matt Morton,
Oxford Green Party member and environmental activist commented after
visiting Radley Lakes activist camp:
'This weekend I went to visit the Radley Lakes, which has just welcomed
a small dedicated group of activists in a last ditch attempt to stop
N-powers’ atmospheric- polluting-inefficient power-station in Didcot
from pumping fly ash into the last of its ecologically rich water bodies.
This has reminded me of how interconnected everything is: that the agents of
Climate Change are also the same agents of habitat and species loss.
That by working to limit climate change we will necessarily assist in the
preservation of our planets biodiversity.'
Rolf Gardiner and the roots of far right eco politics

The Gardiner family feel as though they have always been here, too. 'My father was one of the first truly organic farmers and a founder member of the Soil Association. He started in 1927 down the vale two miles away, embarking on land reclamation in Cranborne Chase after much of it had been felled for shipbuilding and the railways.
'It was a broken-down landscape of scree and brambles, gorse and rabbits. With my great-uncle [the composer] Henry Balfour Gardiner, he established four million trees over the next 30 years. Initially, he employed up to 30 men who were glad to have the work in forestry when agriculture was so depressed in the Twenties.
Interesting interview in the Observer food and drink magazine today with Sir John Eliot Gardiner, composer and organic farmer. His father Rolf Gardiner, put on the road by his interest in social credit/monetary reform, was one of the most important far right greens of the 20th century.
This is kind of glossed over by the Observer...
Today would be right wing greens hail him as an inspired English nationalist, who in his maturity engaged with 'national socialism'
Gardiner liked to describe himself as “a plain, practical working farmer, forester … an ameliorator of the land”. Nonetheless, his thinking was heavily influenced by the work of blut und boden ideologue Walther Darré whom Gardiner visited in Germany before the outbreak of World War Two. Gardiner also corresponded with Darré after 1945 hailing him as the inspiration for Britain's organic farming movement. Another key influence on Gardiner was Jorian Jenks, agricultural adviser to the British Union of Fascists. More here
A sad story of someone moving from the progressive green left to the far right, even to the extent of corresponding with Hitler's agriculture minister....so be careful when you met up with the 'nice' monetary reformers worried about banks, usury and debt free money!
Ofcourse debt free money does not equal fascism, neither does tree planting but when I plant a tree I don't ring up some National Front members for help, assuming this to be a shared interest....likewise monetary reformers should not have to network with the far right but sadly they do...and even more sadly I get a lot of flack from them for saying they should not.
For more back ground have a look at my article on ecofascism....in the form of people like Alistair Mcconnachie far right greens are still about today sadly.
Mcconnachie was even flagged up by green economists FEASTA, despite being kicked out of UKIP for holocaust denial!
Tuesday 3rd Oct 2006 2006- 19.30 - 21.30
Alistair McConnachie - "Stopping the Debt Driver - why reforming the way our money is created holds the key to halting unsustainable growth."
Alistair McConnachie has been involved in the field of Monetary Reform for the last 12 years. He is the Editor and Publisher of PROSPERITY: Freedom from Debt Slavery, which is a 4-page journal, based in Glasgow, and dedicated to reforming the money system and campaigning for publicly-created, debt-free money
Feasta details here
27 Jan 2007
I love Schnews
1. Read the Economist from cover to cover.
2. Read the London Review of books from cover to cover.
3. Read Schnews...essential.
here is some stuff from this weeks schnews,
SchNEWS Fundraising Roast Dinner
Sunday 4th March 2-6pm at the Cowley Club, 12 London Rd. Bar open. All members and their guests welcome.
Crap Arrest Of The Week
For Taking The Biscuit...
The crunch came during a mid-December's night party in Cornwall for one bunch of SchNEWS reading punks when the drummer in a local hardcore band was arrested for throwing chocolate digestive biscuits at the outside of the bar he'd just gigged in. His mate was then arrested, beaten, CS sprayed, cuffed and locked in isolation for asking why he was being arrested, whilst another was nicked for trying to film it and calling the police "F*ckers" when he couldn't. Police overreaction perhaps? Crumbs.
We Are All Over The Place
Here's a list of Social Centres around the country
Bradford: 1in12 Club, 21-23 Albion St, Bradford, BD1 2LY. Set up in 1981 as a centre for the low waged and unemployed and still going on strong. Tel 01274 734160 Web www.1in12.go-legend.net email info@1in12.com
Coventry Peace House, 311 Stoney Stanton Rd, CV6 5DS, Tel 02476 663031 Web www.covpeacehouse.org.uk Email covpeace@gn.apc.org A housing co-operative and a peace and environmental centre connected to local activist networks. Works directly with local asylum seekers, and has a bike recycling project.
Brighton: Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton BN1 4JA Tel 01273 696104 Web www.cowleyclub.org.uk A social centre on the busy London Road in Brighton. It houses a cafe and bookshop during the day, a private members bar during the evenings, and is a base for a variety of other projects.
Bristol: Kebele Kulture Projekt,14 Robertson Rd, Eastville, Bristol, BS5 6JY Tel 0117 939 9469 Web: www.kebele.org Email:info@kebele.org Anarchist collective run drop-in and meeting centre, vegan cafe, bike workshops, anarchist library, housing co-op, exhibitions, campaign catering, political activities and more.
Lancaster Resource Centre, 78a Penny St, Lancaster LA1 1XN. Web:www.eco-action.org/lancaster - a collectively run resource centre and meeting space in Lancaster. Open every Wednesday 4-7pm.
Leeds: Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ, Tel 0845 345 7334, Web www.thecommonplace.org.uk - an independent, volunteer run social centre in the centre of Leeds.
Liverpool - the Cellar downstairs from bookshop News From Nowhere, 96 Bold Street, L1 4HY is about to open in the next few months. The venue is already holding events, but it needs a bit more money to open properly with a kitchen and other facilities. Once open it will be a hub for community action groups with cafe, internet, gigs etc. See www.liverpool.indymedia.org.uk
London: The Square, 21-22 Russell Square, London, WC1. Squatted social centre, aiming to be a radical, public space for all. For info and events listing see: www.londonsocialcentre.org.uk
London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E1 1ES. Tel 020 7377 9088 Web:www.londonarc.org Email:info@londonarc.org Collectively-run building providing space and resources for people and groups working on self-organised, non-hierarchical projects for radical social change.
London (East): The RampART Creative Centre and Social Space, 15-17 Rampart Street , E1 2LA, is a large occupied building in East London, hosting cultural and political events, community cinema, exhibitions, alternative media production, benefit gigs, discussions, meetings and workshops and more. www.rampart.co.nr (offline for maintainence at moment) ** Currently RampART are having bother with the local authority and fire brigade wanting to do a health and safety inspection - which could lead to it being shut down. RampART is calling for help and has a wishlist - Illuminated fire exit signs * Fire extinguishers * Fire blanket * Health and Safety Law poster * Hand basin and more - contact at the above address.
London (South): 56a Info-shop, 56a Crampton Street, Walworth SE17 (near Elephant & Castle). Resource for local people and campaign groups selling books and zines, and with extensive archive radical publications. www.56a.org.uk
Manchester: The Basement, 24 Lever Street (off Piccadilly Gardens), Manchester M1 Tel 0161 237 1832 Email mustsocial@yahoo.co.uk Manchester's new radical bookshop with a wide selection of anarchist and radical books and journals. with vegan cafe, radical library, free internet and exhibition space.
Nottingham: Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St., Nottingham, NG7 6HX. Tel:0845 458 9595 Web:www.veggies.org.uk/sumac Email:sumac@veggies.org.uk Resource centre for local groups campaigning for human and animal rights, the environment, peace, etc.
FOR MORE INFO: Find details on these and many others from www.schnews.org.uk/links and click on Social & Community Centres, see also www.londonarc.org/social_centre_network.html
Social Centres Gathering
Jan 27th - a space for discussion, practical workshops, sharing ideas, skills & experience followed by MAYHEM Cabaret & Cocktails. At the 1in12 Club, Albion Street, off Fulton Street, Bradford, BD1 tel: 01274 734160 web www.1in12.com Accommodation available contact 01274 745002 or hive@riseup.net
V for Video Activist
The SchMOVIES DVD Collection 2006 is out this month. The pick of the SchMOVIES produced in 2006, covering events across the UK such as the Smash EDO campaign, protest camps at Titnore Woods and Shepton Mallet, the Camp For Climate Action, anti-war demos at Parliament Square, resistance to the M74 motorway in Glasgow, and more.. Available now for £6 p&p from SchNEWS. (Apologies if you've ordered and not received - there's been interminable delays over Xmas) Note new address - c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XG
Under The Lens - A Quick Guide to Alternative Media
Indymedia - an international network of independent news sites which contain articles, pictures, films and more, with material self-published by readers. In Britain it has collectives running regional IMC sites in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds Bradford, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford, Scotland, Sheffield, South Coast, York. These sites all share the main national and international IMC features, but all also listings and news specific to the region. See www.indymedia.org.uk
Current Free Newsheets
Gagged - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter PO Box 70, Newport NP20 5XX. Issue 15 is out now - download a pdf here http://lists.riseup.net/www/d_read/gagged/gagged15.pdf
Gay Bishop - Reading readinggaybishop@yahoo.co.uk or write to Gay Bishop, c/o RISC, 35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 3JE.
Porkbolter - Worthing - www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
Rough Music - Roughin' it up on the streets of Brighton www.roughmusic.org.uk
Rupture - (Free party scene - email rupture@headfuk.net for pdf subsciption) Bristol
Voices of Resistance from Occupied London - a new "anarchist bulletin of news, theory and action from the British capital after the empire". The first issue will be out early/mid-March - on time for the global day of action for Iraq on March 19. Looking for contributors now - deadline March 1st - email occupiedlondon@riseup.net
ClearerChannel - is an online resource with lots of local and international independently made videos to download for free see www.clearerchannel.org
Indymedia Video - For a list of groups active in the UK see www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/video.html
CultureShop - online retailer of hard to find political films UK and international. See www.cultureshop.org
Alternative Media Conference
SchNEWS is calling out for interest/involvement in an Alternative Media Conference in Brighton in early May this year, which will be held over a weekend at the Cowley Club. This will cover video, web and print media and will be partly workshops for those newly involved, and also open discussions about all aspects of the media activist malarkey. Some accommodation will be sorted, and help is needed to set this up. Email us if you are interested in helping or coming. Watch out for updates...
2. Read the London Review of books from cover to cover.
3. Read Schnews...essential.
here is some stuff from this weeks schnews,
SchNEWS Fundraising Roast Dinner
Sunday 4th March 2-6pm at the Cowley Club, 12 London Rd. Bar open. All members and their guests welcome.
Crap Arrest Of The Week
For Taking The Biscuit...
The crunch came during a mid-December's night party in Cornwall for one bunch of SchNEWS reading punks when the drummer in a local hardcore band was arrested for throwing chocolate digestive biscuits at the outside of the bar he'd just gigged in. His mate was then arrested, beaten, CS sprayed, cuffed and locked in isolation for asking why he was being arrested, whilst another was nicked for trying to film it and calling the police "F*ckers" when he couldn't. Police overreaction perhaps? Crumbs.
We Are All Over The Place
Here's a list of Social Centres around the country
Bradford: 1in12 Club, 21-23 Albion St, Bradford, BD1 2LY. Set up in 1981 as a centre for the low waged and unemployed and still going on strong. Tel 01274 734160 Web www.1in12.go-legend.net email info@1in12.com
Coventry Peace House, 311 Stoney Stanton Rd, CV6 5DS, Tel 02476 663031 Web www.covpeacehouse.org.uk Email covpeace@gn.apc.org A housing co-operative and a peace and environmental centre connected to local activist networks. Works directly with local asylum seekers, and has a bike recycling project.
Brighton: Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton BN1 4JA Tel 01273 696104 Web www.cowleyclub.org.uk A social centre on the busy London Road in Brighton. It houses a cafe and bookshop during the day, a private members bar during the evenings, and is a base for a variety of other projects.
Bristol: Kebele Kulture Projekt,14 Robertson Rd, Eastville, Bristol, BS5 6JY Tel 0117 939 9469 Web: www.kebele.org Email:info@kebele.org Anarchist collective run drop-in and meeting centre, vegan cafe, bike workshops, anarchist library, housing co-op, exhibitions, campaign catering, political activities and more.
Lancaster Resource Centre, 78a Penny St, Lancaster LA1 1XN. Web:www.eco-action.org/lancaster - a collectively run resource centre and meeting space in Lancaster. Open every Wednesday 4-7pm.
Leeds: Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ, Tel 0845 345 7334, Web www.thecommonplace.org.uk - an independent, volunteer run social centre in the centre of Leeds.
Liverpool - the Cellar downstairs from bookshop News From Nowhere, 96 Bold Street, L1 4HY is about to open in the next few months. The venue is already holding events, but it needs a bit more money to open properly with a kitchen and other facilities. Once open it will be a hub for community action groups with cafe, internet, gigs etc. See www.liverpool.indymedia.org.uk
London: The Square, 21-22 Russell Square, London, WC1. Squatted social centre, aiming to be a radical, public space for all. For info and events listing see: www.londonsocialcentre.org.uk
London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E1 1ES. Tel 020 7377 9088 Web:www.londonarc.org Email:info@londonarc.org Collectively-run building providing space and resources for people and groups working on self-organised, non-hierarchical projects for radical social change.
London (East): The RampART Creative Centre and Social Space, 15-17 Rampart Street , E1 2LA, is a large occupied building in East London, hosting cultural and political events, community cinema, exhibitions, alternative media production, benefit gigs, discussions, meetings and workshops and more. www.rampart.co.nr (offline for maintainence at moment) ** Currently RampART are having bother with the local authority and fire brigade wanting to do a health and safety inspection - which could lead to it being shut down. RampART is calling for help and has a wishlist - Illuminated fire exit signs * Fire extinguishers * Fire blanket * Health and Safety Law poster * Hand basin and more - contact at the above address.
London (South): 56a Info-shop, 56a Crampton Street, Walworth SE17 (near Elephant & Castle). Resource for local people and campaign groups selling books and zines, and with extensive archive radical publications. www.56a.org.uk
Manchester: The Basement, 24 Lever Street (off Piccadilly Gardens), Manchester M1 Tel 0161 237 1832 Email mustsocial@yahoo.co.uk Manchester's new radical bookshop with a wide selection of anarchist and radical books and journals. with vegan cafe, radical library, free internet and exhibition space.
Nottingham: Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St., Nottingham, NG7 6HX. Tel:0845 458 9595 Web:www.veggies.org.uk/sumac Email:sumac@veggies.org.uk Resource centre for local groups campaigning for human and animal rights, the environment, peace, etc.
FOR MORE INFO: Find details on these and many others from www.schnews.org.uk/links and click on Social & Community Centres, see also www.londonarc.org/social_centre_network.html
Social Centres Gathering
Jan 27th - a space for discussion, practical workshops, sharing ideas, skills & experience followed by MAYHEM Cabaret & Cocktails. At the 1in12 Club, Albion Street, off Fulton Street, Bradford, BD1 tel: 01274 734160 web www.1in12.com Accommodation available contact 01274 745002 or hive@riseup.net
V for Video Activist
The SchMOVIES DVD Collection 2006 is out this month. The pick of the SchMOVIES produced in 2006, covering events across the UK such as the Smash EDO campaign, protest camps at Titnore Woods and Shepton Mallet, the Camp For Climate Action, anti-war demos at Parliament Square, resistance to the M74 motorway in Glasgow, and more.. Available now for £6 p&p from SchNEWS. (Apologies if you've ordered and not received - there's been interminable delays over Xmas) Note new address - c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XG
Under The Lens - A Quick Guide to Alternative Media
Indymedia - an international network of independent news sites which contain articles, pictures, films and more, with material self-published by readers. In Britain it has collectives running regional IMC sites in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds Bradford, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford, Scotland, Sheffield, South Coast, York. These sites all share the main national and international IMC features, but all also listings and news specific to the region. See www.indymedia.org.uk
Current Free Newsheets
Gagged - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter PO Box 70, Newport NP20 5XX. Issue 15 is out now - download a pdf here http://lists.riseup.net/www/d_read/gagged/gagged15.pdf
Gay Bishop - Reading readinggaybishop@yahoo.co.uk or write to Gay Bishop, c/o RISC, 35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 3JE.
Porkbolter - Worthing - www.eco-action.org/porkbolter
Rough Music - Roughin' it up on the streets of Brighton www.roughmusic.org.uk
Rupture - (Free party scene - email rupture@headfuk.net for pdf subsciption) Bristol
Voices of Resistance from Occupied London - a new "anarchist bulletin of news, theory and action from the British capital after the empire". The first issue will be out early/mid-March - on time for the global day of action for Iraq on March 19. Looking for contributors now - deadline March 1st - email occupiedlondon@riseup.net
ClearerChannel - is an online resource with lots of local and international independently made videos to download for free see www.clearerchannel.org
Indymedia Video - For a list of groups active in the UK see www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/video.html
CultureShop - online retailer of hard to find political films UK and international. See www.cultureshop.org
Alternative Media Conference
SchNEWS is calling out for interest/involvement in an Alternative Media Conference in Brighton in early May this year, which will be held over a weekend at the Cowley Club. This will cover video, web and print media and will be partly workshops for those newly involved, and also open discussions about all aspects of the media activist malarkey. Some accommodation will be sorted, and help is needed to set this up. Email us if you are interested in helping or coming. Watch out for updates...
26 Jan 2007
End Torture
had this, hope it is of interest.
Dear Derek,
I am writing to inform you about a new anti torture campaign – End Torture (www.endtorture,net) – launched by Citizens for Global Solutions, a Washington DC based NGO working on foreign policy issues. I was very interested and encouraged when I was reading your blog and came across the article on torture. With the new Congress and Democratic majority, the time has surely come for elected leaders to step up to the plate and address this issue effectively, and time will tell if this does indeed happen.
For that reason, I wanted to let you know about our recently launched End Torture Campaign, which calls for the creation of an Independent Bipartisan Commission on Interrogation to bring experts together to critically investigate the use of torture as a U.S. interrogation strategy. We believe we are at a critical juncture, not only with a Democratic majority in the new congress, but also with widespread dissatisfaction over Bush administration foreign policy increasingly dividing the Republican party on key issues such as interrogation policy and rendition.
This campaign is arranged around a website that is primarily a petition (once somebody adds their name, three e-letters are sent – one to their representative in the House and one each to both of their Senators). The site also includes background information, links to other organizations and regular updates, as well as how people in local communities across the country can get involved and help strengthen our efforts and capacity.
I hope this campaign will help bolster the efforts of other organizations and individuals such as you working tirelessly on this issue, and will hopefully help facilitate some pragmatic solutions. I am also very interested in the work of the Green Party in England and Wales (I’m actually from Sheffield!) and congratulate you on the work that you are doing on key environmental issues.
In the meantime thank you for taking the time to read this message and please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to chat about any aspect of this campaign.
Warm Regards,
Tom Moran
Outreach and Advocacy Fellow
Citizens for Global Solutions
418 7th Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
202-546-3950 x 121
Dear Derek,
I am writing to inform you about a new anti torture campaign – End Torture (www.endtorture,net) – launched by Citizens for Global Solutions, a Washington DC based NGO working on foreign policy issues. I was very interested and encouraged when I was reading your blog and came across the article on torture. With the new Congress and Democratic majority, the time has surely come for elected leaders to step up to the plate and address this issue effectively, and time will tell if this does indeed happen.
For that reason, I wanted to let you know about our recently launched End Torture Campaign, which calls for the creation of an Independent Bipartisan Commission on Interrogation to bring experts together to critically investigate the use of torture as a U.S. interrogation strategy. We believe we are at a critical juncture, not only with a Democratic majority in the new congress, but also with widespread dissatisfaction over Bush administration foreign policy increasingly dividing the Republican party on key issues such as interrogation policy and rendition.
This campaign is arranged around a website that is primarily a petition (once somebody adds their name, three e-letters are sent – one to their representative in the House and one each to both of their Senators). The site also includes background information, links to other organizations and regular updates, as well as how people in local communities across the country can get involved and help strengthen our efforts and capacity.
I hope this campaign will help bolster the efforts of other organizations and individuals such as you working tirelessly on this issue, and will hopefully help facilitate some pragmatic solutions. I am also very interested in the work of the Green Party in England and Wales (I’m actually from Sheffield!) and congratulate you on the work that you are doing on key environmental issues.
In the meantime thank you for taking the time to read this message and please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to chat about any aspect of this campaign.
Warm Regards,
Tom Moran
Outreach and Advocacy Fellow
Citizens for Global Solutions
418 7th Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
202-546-3950 x 121
Into the valley of the ultra liberals
"Mandatory recycling is usually a mistake. For one thing, we don’t need to recycle everything. We aren’t running out of room for our trash. (One expert, Clark Wiseman, calculated that all the trash produced by the United States for the next 1,000 years could fit in a landfill 44 miles square and 300 feet deep.) We aren’t running out of natural resources, either. Nearly all raw materials today are cheaper than they were in the past--a sign that they remain plentiful." says Julian Morris, free market critic of environmentalism.
so land fill and incineration are no problem, according to him
I debated with Morris on radio 4, yesterday...he makes the Economist magazine look leftwing and radical, recyling, organic food, you name it green is ungreen, according to him and economic growth possible for ever.
more on him here
so land fill and incineration are no problem, according to him
I debated with Morris on radio 4, yesterday...he makes the Economist magazine look leftwing and radical, recyling, organic food, you name it green is ungreen, according to him and economic growth possible for ever.
more on him here
25 Jan 2007
Death of a Trade Unionist

The Green Party today condemned the brutal murder of Guatemalan trade unionist Pedro Zamora. Zamora, the General Secretary of the Guatemalan STEPQ dockers' union was shot 20 times by multiple assailants in the company of his two young sons, one of whom was injured in the attack in which 100 bullets were fired at the family. this is from Green Party statement.
I am aware of the stats that show with globalisation, that growth in income is going to a minority and that ordinary workers (i.e. most of us on this planet) are getting a smaller and smaller share.
Strong unions are vital to maintaining equality and moving towards a socially just planet...the world over trade union rights are under threat and in many parts of the world trade unionists are actually being killed.
The situation in Guatamala is particularly shocking, remember how a couple of days ago I reviewed El Norte, an 1980s film about peasants under threat from death squads escaping to America.
Remember how the 1954 coup in Guatamala, engineered by the CIA for United Fruit, led to the destruction of a socialist government and helped radicalise Che.
Now in 2007 the bloodshed continues.
To do something go to
Even the Economist are concerned that the 'level of exploitation' is on the increase, this is from their leader this week, incidentally while I don't agree with their neo-liberal politics, they are always a stimulating read (take with schnews though or dave osler who also has recently discussed this issue on his excellent blog as well as alert me to the story here).
These are the glory days of global capitalism. The mix of technology and economic integration transforming the world has created unparalleled prosperity. In the past five years the world has seen faster growth than at any time since the early 1970s. In China each person now produces four times as much as in the early 1990s. Having joined the global labour force, hundreds of millions of people in developing countries have won the chance to escape squalor and poverty. Hundreds of millions more stand to join them.
That promises to improve the lot of humanity as a whole incalculably. But in the rich world labour's share of GDP has fallen to historic lows, while profits are soaring. A clamour is abroad that Mr Nardelli and his friends among the top hundredth—or even the top thousandth—of the population are seizing the lion's share of globalisation's gains. Meanwhile everyone else—not just blue-collar factory workers but also the wider office-working middle class—shuffles along, grimly waiting for the next round of cost-cuts. They are not happy.
This is from one of their online articles
24 Jan 2007
Free market madness?
Infected by affluenza
Blair's encouragement of free market capitalism has boosted spiralling levels of British mental illness
Oliver James
Wednesday January 24, 2007
The Guardian
Blair's encouragement of free market capitalism has boosted spiralling levels of British mental illness
Oliver James
Wednesday January 24, 2007
The Guardian
23 Jan 2007
Mumia on the great conspiracy
More ecosocialism from brother Mumia!
read him, blog...spread the word from a cell in the USA across the globe, creative commons applies I guess.
[Col. Writ. 1/14/07] Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Quite recently, I offered some thoughts on the startling warm winter
weather we're having.
While I talked about the probable impact of global warming (greenhouse
gases), I didn't directly address the sources of much of it.
Let's be clear. Much of it, perhaps most, is cars. Some folks may be
thinking -- 'uh oh -- here he goes again with that back-to-nature, John
Africa talk again. He actually wants us to give up our cars!'
But how many of us know that in the good old days -- say, in the
19-teens, and the '20s, cars were electric cars -- run on batteries?
In the early third of the 20th century, most American mass transit was
an electrical affair -- relatively quiet, with far fewer pollutants
being belched into the air.
What happened? Greed happened. Corporate crime happened. Then mass
pollution happened.
Writer and researcher Mark Zepezauer, in his brilliant 2004 book, *Take
the Rich Off Welfare* (Cambridge, Ma.: South End Press) tells the story
with brevity and clarity, as he writes:
"The extent to which automobiles dominate our lives didn't just happen
by accident -- at least part of it was the result of a criminal
conspiracy. Back in the early 1930s, most people living in cities got
around on electric streetcars. Concerned that this wasn't the kind of
environment in which they could sell a lot of buses, General Motors
(GM), using a series of front companies, began buying up streetcar
systems, tearing out the tracks, buying buses from itself, and then
selling the new, polluting bus systems back to the cities -- usually
with contracts that prohibited the purchase of 'any equipment using
fuel or means of propulsion other than gas.' Sometimes the contracts
required that the new owners buy all their replacement buses from GM.
"GM was soon joined by Greyhound, Firestone Tire and Rubber, Standard
Oil of California (also called Chevron), and Mack Trucks. In 1949 --
after these companies had destroyed more than 100 streetcar systems in
over 40 cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San
Francisco, Oakland, Baltimore, St. Louis, and Salt Lake City -- GM,
Chevron, and Firestone were convicted of a criminal conspiracy to
restrain trade. They were fined $5,000 each, and the executives who
organized the scheme were fined $1.00 each." [p. 139]
Boy -- what does that tell you about 'equal justice under law?'
(Speaking of John Africa, I'm reminded of the opening words of his *The
Judges Letter*, which reads, "The courts are the tools of industrial
plague, granting big business privilege to poison our earth.")
There are some 520 million cars in the world today; 200 million (38.5%!)
are driven in the U.S. The U.S. has only 5% of the world's population,
and drives nearly 40% of the cars.
When we are faced with the chilling spectacle of global warming, with
the rising of the oceans along with temperatures, and with the very real
threat to coastal cities and populations all around the world, there's a
reason for it.
And some big U.S. businesses made plenty of money off it. The pollution
in our lungs, the warming air currents melting the arctic snow and
creating rising sea levels, the very same man-made temperature changes
that have spawned stronger, more destructive hurricanes was translated
into billions of dollars in U.S. corporate coffers, amassed over
decades. It is the very essence of capitalism.
It didn't have to be this way. It could've been very different.
Only people, awake and aware -- and determined to build a new world, can
begin to change it.
Time is running out for over 1/2 a billion people, whose living space is
seriously threatened with flooding.
It's not too late to reverse this monstrous trend. But, it can't be
kept for later.
Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
[Mr. Jamal's recent book features a chapter on the
remarkable women who helped build and defend
the Black Panther Party: *WE WANT FREEDOM:
A Life in the Black Panther Party*, from South
End Press (http://www.southendpress.org); Ph.
"When a cause comes along and you know in your bones that it is
just, yet refuse to defend it--at that moment you begin to die.
And I have never seen so many corpses walking around talking about
justice." - Mumia Abu-Jamal
The campaign to kill Mumia is in full swing and we need you to
**please** contact as many publications and information outlets as
you possibly can to run Mumia's commentaries (on-line and
**especially off-line**)!! The only requirements are that you run
them *unedited*, with every word including copyright information
intact, and send a copy of the publication to Mumia and/or ICFFMAJ.
Keep updated by reading ACTION ALERTS!!
at http://www.mumia.org, http://www.onamove.com/ and their links.
To download Mp3's of Mumia's commentaries visit
http://www.prisonradio.org or http://www.fsrn.org
The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia!
International Concerned Family & Friends of MAJ
P.O. Box 19709
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone - 215-476-8812/ Fax - 215-476-6180
E-mail - icffmaj@aol.com
Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at:
read him, blog...spread the word from a cell in the USA across the globe, creative commons applies I guess.
[Col. Writ. 1/14/07] Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
Quite recently, I offered some thoughts on the startling warm winter
weather we're having.
While I talked about the probable impact of global warming (greenhouse
gases), I didn't directly address the sources of much of it.
Let's be clear. Much of it, perhaps most, is cars. Some folks may be
thinking -- 'uh oh -- here he goes again with that back-to-nature, John
Africa talk again. He actually wants us to give up our cars!'
But how many of us know that in the good old days -- say, in the
19-teens, and the '20s, cars were electric cars -- run on batteries?
In the early third of the 20th century, most American mass transit was
an electrical affair -- relatively quiet, with far fewer pollutants
being belched into the air.
What happened? Greed happened. Corporate crime happened. Then mass
pollution happened.
Writer and researcher Mark Zepezauer, in his brilliant 2004 book, *Take
the Rich Off Welfare* (Cambridge, Ma.: South End Press) tells the story
with brevity and clarity, as he writes:
"The extent to which automobiles dominate our lives didn't just happen
by accident -- at least part of it was the result of a criminal
conspiracy. Back in the early 1930s, most people living in cities got
around on electric streetcars. Concerned that this wasn't the kind of
environment in which they could sell a lot of buses, General Motors
(GM), using a series of front companies, began buying up streetcar
systems, tearing out the tracks, buying buses from itself, and then
selling the new, polluting bus systems back to the cities -- usually
with contracts that prohibited the purchase of 'any equipment using
fuel or means of propulsion other than gas.' Sometimes the contracts
required that the new owners buy all their replacement buses from GM.
"GM was soon joined by Greyhound, Firestone Tire and Rubber, Standard
Oil of California (also called Chevron), and Mack Trucks. In 1949 --
after these companies had destroyed more than 100 streetcar systems in
over 40 cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San
Francisco, Oakland, Baltimore, St. Louis, and Salt Lake City -- GM,
Chevron, and Firestone were convicted of a criminal conspiracy to
restrain trade. They were fined $5,000 each, and the executives who
organized the scheme were fined $1.00 each." [p. 139]
Boy -- what does that tell you about 'equal justice under law?'
(Speaking of John Africa, I'm reminded of the opening words of his *The
Judges Letter*, which reads, "The courts are the tools of industrial
plague, granting big business privilege to poison our earth.")
There are some 520 million cars in the world today; 200 million (38.5%!)
are driven in the U.S. The U.S. has only 5% of the world's population,
and drives nearly 40% of the cars.
When we are faced with the chilling spectacle of global warming, with
the rising of the oceans along with temperatures, and with the very real
threat to coastal cities and populations all around the world, there's a
reason for it.
And some big U.S. businesses made plenty of money off it. The pollution
in our lungs, the warming air currents melting the arctic snow and
creating rising sea levels, the very same man-made temperature changes
that have spawned stronger, more destructive hurricanes was translated
into billions of dollars in U.S. corporate coffers, amassed over
decades. It is the very essence of capitalism.
It didn't have to be this way. It could've been very different.
Only people, awake and aware -- and determined to build a new world, can
begin to change it.
Time is running out for over 1/2 a billion people, whose living space is
seriously threatened with flooding.
It's not too late to reverse this monstrous trend. But, it can't be
kept for later.
Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
[Mr. Jamal's recent book features a chapter on the
remarkable women who helped build and defend
the Black Panther Party: *WE WANT FREEDOM:
A Life in the Black Panther Party*, from South
End Press (http://www.southendpress.org); Ph.
"When a cause comes along and you know in your bones that it is
just, yet refuse to defend it--at that moment you begin to die.
And I have never seen so many corpses walking around talking about
justice." - Mumia Abu-Jamal
The campaign to kill Mumia is in full swing and we need you to
**please** contact as many publications and information outlets as
you possibly can to run Mumia's commentaries (on-line and
**especially off-line**)!! The only requirements are that you run
them *unedited*, with every word including copyright information
intact, and send a copy of the publication to Mumia and/or ICFFMAJ.
Keep updated by reading ACTION ALERTS!!
at http://www.mumia.org, http://www.onamove.com/ and their links.
To download Mp3's of Mumia's commentaries visit
http://www.prisonradio.org or http://www.fsrn.org
The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia!
International Concerned Family & Friends of MAJ
P.O. Box 19709
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone - 215-476-8812/ Fax - 215-476-6180
E-mail - icffmaj@aol.com
Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at:
Claire Melamed of charity ActionAid said three million people in the developing world supplied food to the leading UK supermarkets.
She said those overseas suppliers were seeing "wages and living conditions going down and down, while supermarket profits are going up and up". this is from the BBC report on today's comments from the Competition Commission on supermarkets. Looks to me that they are unlikely to take serious action against Tescopoly, although they cautiously note that the power of the big four supermarkets may be putting pressure on farmers.
George Monbiot notes the efforts of Tesco, etc to appear green but notes the very fact that they have to sell us more and more is problematic, I think he like the CC could have been tougher. Supermarkets are a barrier to the creation of local, diverse ecological food production, those owned mutually and cooperatively like Coop and Waitrose alone have the potential (but only the potential!) of being concerned with something other than profit which depends on every increasing growth.
Monbiot notes
But there is a bigger contradiction than this, which has been overlooked by the supermarkets and by many of their critics. "The green movement," Leahy tells us, "must become a mass movement in green consumption." But what about consuming less? Less is the one thing the superstores cannot sell us. As further efficiencies become harder to extract, their growth will eventually outstrip all their reductions in the use of energy. This is not Tesco's problem alone: the green movement's alternatives still lack force.
Here is my take, in my official capacity:
Green Party Principal Speaker Dr. Derek Wall, who has been banned from every Tescos for life, today demanded an end to encroaching 'Tescopoly', urging that the Competition Commission's investigation into the grocery market must back small, independent retailers being driven out of business by the massive supermarket.
Dr. Wall commented: "The Commission was asked to investigate by the businesses that are being crushed under the weight of ever expanding supermarkets such as Tesco's - some 20% of independent shops have closed in recent years. (1)
"As the UK's largest supermarket, Tesco's vice-like grip on the market is getting tighter everyday. But growing evidence indicates that their success is partly based on trading practices that are having serious consequences for suppliers, farmers and workers worldwide, local shops and the environment.
"Tesco's holds the largest land development portfolio of all supermarkets in the UK - crucially it has more 'land banks' that act as barriers to new players entering the market place than any other supermarkets . (2)
"Although Tesco's themselves have claimed they would be surprised were this aspect of their empire criticised, it is crucial that the commission do so.
"The planning system should not be abused to ensure that 1 in 8 pounds spent in UK shops continue to fill Tesco's coffers.
Dr Wall also expressed reservations about the remit of the investigation as a whole:
"The competition commission themselves have conceded they have no power to investigate or resolve a whole raft of issues crucial to the way in which supermarkets operate in this country.
"Unless they affect competition, issues such as the environmental impact of the grocery supply chain, the composition of the high street and its impact on communities, rural land usage or employment conditions in overseas suppliers are not things they can decide on. (3)
"But it is just these matters which are of paramount importance when looking at supermarkets!
"Aside from the inherent lack of sustainability in the supermarket model of food provision, reliant as it is on massive amounts of imported, fixed-price foods and exploitative employment and sourcing practices - it has been alleged that textile workers in Bangladesh get paid as little as five pence an hour to make cheap clothes for UK companies Tesco & Asda - supermarkets are primarily responsible for the growth of clone town Britain.
"The current situation cannot continue - supermarkets have an insatiable appetite for new stores, bigger profits and increasing power over both food and non-food markets. Farmers are going out of business, small shops are closing due to aggressive competition from Tesco et al, and green spaces are being lost.
"But many of these negative affects do not fall within the commission's narrow remit.
"Greens have long-argued that the supermarket industry must be more effectively regulated if producers, consumers and the environment are to be protected
"Greens want to see:
- A block on any new take-overs by Tesco or other major supermarkets
- Stronger planning policies to protect local shops and High Streets
- A legally binding supermarket code of practice to ensure that all farmers, at home and overseas, are treated fairly.
- An independent watchdog with teeth to protect the interests of consumers, farmers and small retailers
- Rules to protect workers' rights at home and overseas
Notes for Editors
(1) The Guardian, Saturday 20th,
(2) The Guardian. Saturday 20th,
(1) Issues statement of the GROCERIES MARKET INVESTIGATION available at http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/inquiries/ref2006/grocery/ index.htm
(2) Please see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6238987.stm
(3) Please see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6238987.stm
She said those overseas suppliers were seeing "wages and living conditions going down and down, while supermarket profits are going up and up". this is from the BBC report on today's comments from the Competition Commission on supermarkets. Looks to me that they are unlikely to take serious action against Tescopoly, although they cautiously note that the power of the big four supermarkets may be putting pressure on farmers.
George Monbiot notes the efforts of Tesco, etc to appear green but notes the very fact that they have to sell us more and more is problematic, I think he like the CC could have been tougher. Supermarkets are a barrier to the creation of local, diverse ecological food production, those owned mutually and cooperatively like Coop and Waitrose alone have the potential (but only the potential!) of being concerned with something other than profit which depends on every increasing growth.
Monbiot notes
But there is a bigger contradiction than this, which has been overlooked by the supermarkets and by many of their critics. "The green movement," Leahy tells us, "must become a mass movement in green consumption." But what about consuming less? Less is the one thing the superstores cannot sell us. As further efficiencies become harder to extract, their growth will eventually outstrip all their reductions in the use of energy. This is not Tesco's problem alone: the green movement's alternatives still lack force.
Here is my take, in my official capacity:
Green Party Principal Speaker Dr. Derek Wall, who has been banned from every Tescos for life, today demanded an end to encroaching 'Tescopoly', urging that the Competition Commission's investigation into the grocery market must back small, independent retailers being driven out of business by the massive supermarket.
Dr. Wall commented: "The Commission was asked to investigate by the businesses that are being crushed under the weight of ever expanding supermarkets such as Tesco's - some 20% of independent shops have closed in recent years. (1)
"As the UK's largest supermarket, Tesco's vice-like grip on the market is getting tighter everyday. But growing evidence indicates that their success is partly based on trading practices that are having serious consequences for suppliers, farmers and workers worldwide, local shops and the environment.
"Tesco's holds the largest land development portfolio of all supermarkets in the UK - crucially it has more 'land banks' that act as barriers to new players entering the market place than any other supermarkets . (2)
"Although Tesco's themselves have claimed they would be surprised were this aspect of their empire criticised, it is crucial that the commission do so.
"The planning system should not be abused to ensure that 1 in 8 pounds spent in UK shops continue to fill Tesco's coffers.
Dr Wall also expressed reservations about the remit of the investigation as a whole:
"The competition commission themselves have conceded they have no power to investigate or resolve a whole raft of issues crucial to the way in which supermarkets operate in this country.
"Unless they affect competition, issues such as the environmental impact of the grocery supply chain, the composition of the high street and its impact on communities, rural land usage or employment conditions in overseas suppliers are not things they can decide on. (3)
"But it is just these matters which are of paramount importance when looking at supermarkets!
"Aside from the inherent lack of sustainability in the supermarket model of food provision, reliant as it is on massive amounts of imported, fixed-price foods and exploitative employment and sourcing practices - it has been alleged that textile workers in Bangladesh get paid as little as five pence an hour to make cheap clothes for UK companies Tesco & Asda - supermarkets are primarily responsible for the growth of clone town Britain.
"The current situation cannot continue - supermarkets have an insatiable appetite for new stores, bigger profits and increasing power over both food and non-food markets. Farmers are going out of business, small shops are closing due to aggressive competition from Tesco et al, and green spaces are being lost.
"But many of these negative affects do not fall within the commission's narrow remit.
"Greens have long-argued that the supermarket industry must be more effectively regulated if producers, consumers and the environment are to be protected
"Greens want to see:
- A block on any new take-overs by Tesco or other major supermarkets
- Stronger planning policies to protect local shops and High Streets
- A legally binding supermarket code of practice to ensure that all farmers, at home and overseas, are treated fairly.
- An independent watchdog with teeth to protect the interests of consumers, farmers and small retailers
- Rules to protect workers' rights at home and overseas
Notes for Editors
(1) The Guardian, Saturday 20th,
(2) The Guardian. Saturday 20th,
(1) Issues statement of the GROCERIES MARKET INVESTIGATION available at http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/inquiries/ref2006/grocery/ index.htm
(2) Please see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6238987.stm
(3) Please see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6238987.stm
22 Jan 2007
npower and better energy
A contributer writes.....
To my shame, I used to work for npower (albeit in the renewables division) and they are the biggest bunch of sharks you will ever encounter. Regarding 'tearing up your npower contract', the best approach is as follows:
1) Switch supplier, to either Ecotricity or Good Energy, neither of which invest a penny in fossil or nuclear generation.
2) Write a letter to Andy Duff, RWE npower's CEO. He's based at their Swindon HQ. Address is:
RWE Npower
Trigonos Building
Windmill Hill Business Park
Whitehill Way
Wilts SN5 6PB
thanks for this info!
To my shame, I used to work for npower (albeit in the renewables division) and they are the biggest bunch of sharks you will ever encounter. Regarding 'tearing up your npower contract', the best approach is as follows:
1) Switch supplier, to either Ecotricity or Good Energy, neither of which invest a penny in fossil or nuclear generation.
2) Write a letter to Andy Duff, RWE npower's CEO. He's based at their Swindon HQ. Address is:
RWE Npower
Trigonos Building
Windmill Hill Business Park
Whitehill Way
Wilts SN5 6PB
thanks for this info!
21 Jan 2007
This is from LINE....useful digest of green faith events coming up...
Here's a few events and notices, capital-centric but hopefully inspiring, if not useful even to those outside...
Date: Tues 30th January
Time: 6.30-8.30pm
Venue: St Ethelburga's Centre, 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG
Aubrey Meyer (Director of the Global Commons Institute)
Imam Abdul-Hakim Murad (Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge)
Claire Foster (Policy advisor to the Church of England on environmental issues)
A multi-faith gathering on the theme of climate change to mark the anniversary of Gandhi's assassination. With live music, refreshments and readings from Gandhi. In collaboration with the Gandhi Foundation. This event is free and open to all.
Web: http://www.stethelburgas.org; E-mail: helen@stethelburgas.org ; Tel: 020 7496 1610
South Asian Climate Change Ambassadors
Help excite and inspire South Asian communities, so that they understand the challenge of climate change and the difference they could make.
Diverse London Ambassadors
Reach out to multi-ethnic, multi-faith communities and businesses with stimulating participative activities and events to encourage sustainable living.
Motivate London and Diverse London Projects Intern
Key elements of this role will include supporting the delivery of our comprehensive events programme, and researching and writing resources for our Motivate London and Diverse London web pages.
For more information on these roles please visit http://www.lsx.org.uk/aboutus/jobsandinternships_page2535.aspx
If you haven't yet visited the new website of the London Islamic Network for the Environment, please go to: http://www.lineonweb.org.uk
The website lists all previous and upcoming monthly forums for the group. It also contains a photoalbum page which captures a selection of past LINE activities, explains how you can take part (see page titled 'volunteer'), and provides a comprehensive account of the history of Islamic environmental groups in the UK (see the page titled 'who are we', which also includes a selection of FAQ's about the group).
Useful blurb for weblink:
LINE is the UK's first local Islamic environmental group. They hold open monthly forums in central London. Their activities include educational talks and workshops, environmental justice activities such as climate change campaigning, and ethically orientated food and social events.
a) NATIONAL CLIMATE DEMO: Saturday December 8th
The next big National Climate Demo will be Saturday December 8th. It will be part of a Global Day of Action with demonstrations all round the world, on the Saturday midway through the UN Climate Talks (COP 13/MOP3) in Bali, Indonesia. See http://www.globalclimatecampaign.org .
Weekend of May 19th-20th, London: (Date to be properly confirmed – Please keep an eye on website)
CCC are organising an International Climate Conference for the weekend May 19th-20th (most likely, but to be confirmed) in London, most probably at the London School of Economics. (Please check website for updates)
Here's a few events and notices, capital-centric but hopefully inspiring, if not useful even to those outside...
Date: Tues 30th January
Time: 6.30-8.30pm
Venue: St Ethelburga's Centre, 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG
Aubrey Meyer (Director of the Global Commons Institute)
Imam Abdul-Hakim Murad (Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge)
Claire Foster (Policy advisor to the Church of England on environmental issues)
A multi-faith gathering on the theme of climate change to mark the anniversary of Gandhi's assassination. With live music, refreshments and readings from Gandhi. In collaboration with the Gandhi Foundation. This event is free and open to all.
Web: http://www.stethelburgas.org; E-mail: helen@stethelburgas.org ; Tel: 020 7496 1610
South Asian Climate Change Ambassadors
Help excite and inspire South Asian communities, so that they understand the challenge of climate change and the difference they could make.
Diverse London Ambassadors
Reach out to multi-ethnic, multi-faith communities and businesses with stimulating participative activities and events to encourage sustainable living.
Motivate London and Diverse London Projects Intern
Key elements of this role will include supporting the delivery of our comprehensive events programme, and researching and writing resources for our Motivate London and Diverse London web pages.
For more information on these roles please visit http://www.lsx.org.uk/aboutus/jobsandinternships_page2535.aspx
If you haven't yet visited the new website of the London Islamic Network for the Environment, please go to: http://www.lineonweb.org.uk
The website lists all previous and upcoming monthly forums for the group. It also contains a photoalbum page which captures a selection of past LINE activities, explains how you can take part (see page titled 'volunteer'), and provides a comprehensive account of the history of Islamic environmental groups in the UK (see the page titled 'who are we', which also includes a selection of FAQ's about the group).
Useful blurb for weblink:
LINE is the UK's first local Islamic environmental group. They hold open monthly forums in central London. Their activities include educational talks and workshops, environmental justice activities such as climate change campaigning, and ethically orientated food and social events.
a) NATIONAL CLIMATE DEMO: Saturday December 8th
The next big National Climate Demo will be Saturday December 8th. It will be part of a Global Day of Action with demonstrations all round the world, on the Saturday midway through the UN Climate Talks (COP 13/MOP3) in Bali, Indonesia. See http://www.globalclimatecampaign.org .
Weekend of May 19th-20th, London: (Date to be properly confirmed – Please keep an eye on website)
CCC are organising an International Climate Conference for the weekend May 19th-20th (most likely, but to be confirmed) in London, most probably at the London School of Economics. (Please check website for updates)
El Norte: A film for John Reid

We came only to sleep, to dream. All things are lent to us. We are only on earth in passing. Rosa's funeral song sang in Mayan.
Discussing the complicity of the right wing Reagan regime with Guatamala death squads, the lead actor in El Norte stated, according to wikipedia,
Fifteen years ago, the indigenous people in Guatemala were living a cruel extermination that forced them to flee toward Mexico and the United States. This exodus lasted a decade and half a million Guatemalans made the journey to America seeking for asylum and refuge...El Norte became a powerful fighting element, grew an audience, searched audiences, and left the theatres to tell its truth
Watched El Norte, an 1983 excellent Spanish/US film about Guatamalan peasants escaping death squads and poverty to go to 'El Norte' where they have flush toilets. They struggle through disused sewers into Las Vegas. But life in the north sees them suffer and remain as cheap labour for those with wealth and power.
Instructive for John Reid, planning new measures against migrants.
The Green Party of England and Wales in contrast 'has a liberal migration policy and wants greater global justice and equality, so people who migrate can do so on the basis of choice, not economic hardship. Where migration patterns increase or decrease population levels it is essential that social, economic and environmental pressures are mitigated in such a way which fully respects the rights of migrants and existing local populations.'
More details here.
don't fly unless you need to.
thanks for this,
as Green Party of england and wales male principal speaker i don't feel I am in a position to go to global conferences that involve air flights.
I am keen to discourage people from flying unless absolutely necessary
best wishes,
>From: "Congress 2007"
>To: wallddd@hotmail.com
>Subject: Fwd: Personal Invitation/ Global Conference
>Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 06:32:35 +1100
>Dear Dr Wall:
>We sent you an invitation to attend a Global Conference a month ago
>but as
>yet, have not heard back from you. We hope that this is not an
>indication of
>your inability to participate.
>I am re-appending my original email replete with Invitation and
>Conference literature. Kindly look through the material and let us
>know of
>your decision as soon as is possible. We certainly hope to see you
>in Salt
>Lake City in August!
>Thanking you,
>for the Steering Committee
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Congress 2007
>Date: Dec 17, 2006 5:39 PM
>Subject: Personal Invitation/ Global Conference
>To: wallddd@hotmail.com
>Dear Dr Wall:
>I am delighted to be extending to you an invitation to attend a
>Global Conference to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah from 24-26
>August 2007.
>The documents relating to the conference are here attached. Please
>with care and kindly let us know of your intent as soon as is
>Your participation will be of much significance to the event, so we
>hope you
>will come.
>With warm wishes,
>for the Steering Committee
>Congress of Planetary Initiatives
>Rajani K. Kanth [ USA]
>Steering Committee:
>Katherine Hawkins [USA, Chair]
>Executive Members:
>Michel Bauwens [Belgium]
>Zdravka Todorova [Bulgaria]
>Fadhel Kaboub [Tunisia, Secretary]
>Amit Basole [India]
>Tung-yi Kho [Singapore]
>P.O.Box 95184, South Jordan,
>Utah 84095 , USA
>Email: Congress2007@gmail.com
>Phone: (usa ) 413-665-2463
>Website: www.congress2007.net
as Green Party of england and wales male principal speaker i don't feel I am in a position to go to global conferences that involve air flights.
I am keen to discourage people from flying unless absolutely necessary
best wishes,
>From: "Congress 2007"
>To: wallddd@hotmail.com
>Subject: Fwd: Personal Invitation/ Global Conference
>Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 06:32:35 +1100
>Dear Dr Wall:
>We sent you an invitation to attend a Global Conference a month ago
>but as
>yet, have not heard back from you. We hope that this is not an
>indication of
>your inability to participate.
>I am re-appending my original email replete with Invitation and
>Conference literature. Kindly look through the material and let us
>know of
>your decision as soon as is possible. We certainly hope to see you
>in Salt
>Lake City in August!
>Thanking you,
>for the Steering Committee
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Congress 2007
>Date: Dec 17, 2006 5:39 PM
>Subject: Personal Invitation/ Global Conference
>To: wallddd@hotmail.com
>Dear Dr Wall:
>I am delighted to be extending to you an invitation to attend a
>Global Conference to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah from 24-26
>August 2007.
>The documents relating to the conference are here attached. Please
>with care and kindly let us know of your intent as soon as is
>Your participation will be of much significance to the event, so we
>hope you
>will come.
>With warm wishes,
>for the Steering Committee
>Congress of Planetary Initiatives
>Rajani K. Kanth [ USA]
>Steering Committee:
>Katherine Hawkins [USA, Chair]
>Executive Members:
>Michel Bauwens [Belgium]
>Zdravka Todorova [Bulgaria]
>Fadhel Kaboub [Tunisia, Secretary]
>Amit Basole [India]
>Tung-yi Kho [Singapore]
>P.O.Box 95184, South Jordan,
>Utah 84095 , USA
>Email: Congress2007@gmail.com
>Phone: (usa ) 413-665-2463
>Website: www.congress2007.net
20 Jan 2007
Principal speaker fun: this week!
Well another week of PS fun, tuesday a meeting on the politics of survival for East Berkshire green Party in Bracknell...good turnout and discussion.
Thursday helping Sasha Khan, GP candidate in Bensham Manor by-election Croydon.
Saturday...green economics meeting speaking to Kent Federation of Green Parties in Wye, Kent.
Sunday Times interview on the greening of Bush! see what if any of it they run tomorrow.
Letters sent off on Brown's turn to Gandhi!
And as you will have picked up from this blog, battling away to save Radley Lakes.
Letter on Mcdonald campaign and need for rail nationalisation in tuesdays Morning Star published.
Must flag up the Green Party's support for the Trade Union Freedom Bill!
Thursday helping Sasha Khan, GP candidate in Bensham Manor by-election Croydon.
Saturday...green economics meeting speaking to Kent Federation of Green Parties in Wye, Kent.
Sunday Times interview on the greening of Bush! see what if any of it they run tomorrow.
Letters sent off on Brown's turn to Gandhi!
And as you will have picked up from this blog, battling away to save Radley Lakes.
Letter on Mcdonald campaign and need for rail nationalisation in tuesdays Morning Star published.
Must flag up the Green Party's support for the Trade Union Freedom Bill!
A green Tesco? I don't think so

It would take more than 60 greengrocers to match the carbon dioxide
emissions from a single average superstore.
Tesco’s new “Extras” stores are extremely inefficient in terms of energy
use. A survey by Sheffield Hallam University found that large
superstores are the most energy inefficient buildings in the
retail/light industrial sector, despite the relatively new building
stock. Taking into account the average size of buildings, the amount of
climate changing emissions from superstores compares very badly to those
of other food businesses, emitting three times more carbon dioxide than
a greengrocers, per square foot.
This is from Tescopoly.
George Monbiot in his excellent book Heat, argues that supermarkets are giant sources of energy waste with their bright lights and empty spaces that need heating. Instead he argues we should buy from them on line and get a delivery, I would say supporting local markets is even better and a bit of grow your own is good.
From instant meals packaged with waste and ill health, from encouraging out of season eating, from centralised food delivery which requires lorries to drive millions of miles, to the promotion of addictive consumerism, from out of town stores, to the death of the high street....supermarkets have a huge huge cost, so what are they doing, trying to appear a bit greener....the real solution is for us to produce and consume food without their help!
The Competition Commission will report on supermarket power next week, lets see whether they will take action to reduce the growth of Tescopoly
19 Jan 2007
How Can Jews Help Prevent an 'Environmental Genocide'
Climate Changers,
Announcing a great event on Sunday 4th February 2007 at 2pm
Please circulate this amongst any of your relatives and contacts who
are Jewish, or who are keen to find out about the impact of London's
Jewish community on the global problem of Climate Change.
How Can Jews Help Prevent an 'Environmental Genocide' and Save the Planet ?
with United Nations 'green negotiator' Aubrey Meyer and friends.
Sunday 4 February, 2pm
Tickets £12
London Jewish Cultural Centre
Ivy House, 94 - 96 North End Road London NW11 7SX
Renowned United Nation's green activist and musician Aubrey Meyer will
open the debate 'How can Jews (help) save the planet ?' with a violin
performance of the theme to Schindler's List. The music will accompany
a screening of incontrovertible images of the 'environmental genocide'
he suggests we now face.
Meyer will be joined by Dr Mark Levene, Dr Mayer Hillman and Rabbi
Jeffrey Newman to consider the extent of global warming, what brought
us to this point and what can be done now to improve the situation ?
Our panel will also debate how we as Jews can respond to the crisis
and whether there is a prophetic wisdom which needs raising now.
Aubrey Meyer is 'the individual from the worlds of business, academia,
politics & activism who has made the greatest contribution to the
understanding and combating of climate change', the City of London
Co-founder of London-based Global Commons Institute, for the
regulation of emission Meyer has spent over a decade campaigning at
the United Nations negotiations on climate change to win acceptance of
the management of global greenhouse gas emissions.
His framework of, 'Contraction and Convergence', is now cited as
'destined to become one of the most important principles governing
international relations in the 21st Century'.
Dr Mark Levene (Chair) is a co-founder of Crisis Forum (The Forum for
the Study of Crisis in the 21st Century), a network which brings
academics and activists together to respond to crisis and encourage
universities to think and act with responsibility and vision.
He is also part of the Parkes Institute for Jewish/non-Jewish
relations at Southampton University and a long-time environmental and
peace campaigner.
Dr. Mayer Hillman, Senior Fellow Emeritus of the Policy Studies
Institute, is the author/ co-author of more than 40 books on
environmental issues, most recently (with Tina Fawcett), How We Can
Save the Planet (Penguin Books, 2004).
For over 35 years, he has pressed for environmentally-conscious
attitudes to inform public policy and was one of the first proponents
of carbon rationing to prevent serious damage from climate change.
Jeffrey Newman, formerly Rabbi of Finchley Reform Synagogue is
currently consultant to the Reform Assembly of Rabbis. He is the UK
representative of the Earth Charter.
For tickets or further information please call the London Jewish
Cultural Centre on 020 8457 5000, email admin@ljcc.org.uk or visit
+44 77 17 22 13 96
Announcing a great event on Sunday 4th February 2007 at 2pm
Please circulate this amongst any of your relatives and contacts who
are Jewish, or who are keen to find out about the impact of London's
Jewish community on the global problem of Climate Change.
How Can Jews Help Prevent an 'Environmental Genocide' and Save the Planet ?
with United Nations 'green negotiator' Aubrey Meyer and friends.
Sunday 4 February, 2pm
Tickets £12
London Jewish Cultural Centre
Ivy House, 94 - 96 North End Road London NW11 7SX
Renowned United Nation's green activist and musician Aubrey Meyer will
open the debate 'How can Jews (help) save the planet ?' with a violin
performance of the theme to Schindler's List. The music will accompany
a screening of incontrovertible images of the 'environmental genocide'
he suggests we now face.
Meyer will be joined by Dr Mark Levene, Dr Mayer Hillman and Rabbi
Jeffrey Newman to consider the extent of global warming, what brought
us to this point and what can be done now to improve the situation ?
Our panel will also debate how we as Jews can respond to the crisis
and whether there is a prophetic wisdom which needs raising now.
Aubrey Meyer is 'the individual from the worlds of business, academia,
politics & activism who has made the greatest contribution to the
understanding and combating of climate change', the City of London
Co-founder of London-based Global Commons Institute, for the
regulation of emission Meyer has spent over a decade campaigning at
the United Nations negotiations on climate change to win acceptance of
the management of global greenhouse gas emissions.
His framework of, 'Contraction and Convergence', is now cited as
'destined to become one of the most important principles governing
international relations in the 21st Century'.
Dr Mark Levene (Chair) is a co-founder of Crisis Forum (The Forum for
the Study of Crisis in the 21st Century), a network which brings
academics and activists together to respond to crisis and encourage
universities to think and act with responsibility and vision.
He is also part of the Parkes Institute for Jewish/non-Jewish
relations at Southampton University and a long-time environmental and
peace campaigner.
Dr. Mayer Hillman, Senior Fellow Emeritus of the Policy Studies
Institute, is the author/ co-author of more than 40 books on
environmental issues, most recently (with Tina Fawcett), How We Can
Save the Planet (Penguin Books, 2004).
For over 35 years, he has pressed for environmentally-conscious
attitudes to inform public policy and was one of the first proponents
of carbon rationing to prevent serious damage from climate change.
Jeffrey Newman, formerly Rabbi of Finchley Reform Synagogue is
currently consultant to the Reform Assembly of Rabbis. He is the UK
representative of the Earth Charter.
For tickets or further information please call the London Jewish
Cultural Centre on 020 8457 5000, email admin@ljcc.org.uk or visit
+44 77 17 22 13 96
Response from save the lakes to npower
Thank you for your support. We want more people to switch their power supply and tell NPower the reason. If it starts to hurt them in their finances they might begin to change their standpoint.
The save the lakes people have asked me to post up the following response to N powers reply to those of you who have been busy tearing up juice contracts and sending them back.
Your good actions are having an effect on Npower and remind all corporations in the energy sector that green action is necessary and that greenwash will be spotted.
I would anser the points as follows
Didcot "A" 's recycling has dropped over the years. This is because of the emissions coming out of their stacks; the Environment Agency forced them to take action to reduce the NOX emissions from their coal burning chimneys. Accordingly, instead of fitting catalytic convertors they decided to burn the ash at a lower temperature, which, because it contains unburnt coal, makes the ash unsuitable for use in the construction industry, which had previously taken the PFA for sulphate resistant concrete. The ash contains too much carbon which makes poor concrete and it is nearly black and looks awful.
Only recently Didcot have invested some money (3M) in an ash benefication plant. This allows the ash to be reburnt (when the plant works as it has not been without its problems)
There are Companies in existence who can recycle Didcot's dirty ash but this means spending money on a joint venture, which Didcot have not been prepared to do. Companies like ROCKTRON in the UK who have started recycling ash from Fiddlers Ferry Power Station (Scottish Power) and there are others in Germany and Australia who are prepared to work with NPower (at a cost to them) but NPower stick to their mantra "We are in the business of generating electricity, not selling ash".
In 1982 The CEGB obtained permission for a series of gravel pits to be used for Didcot's surplus ash. However, when NPower took over and the subsequent Environment Agency directive made their ash unsaleable, they decided to dump to landfill and soon used up the capacity which had been intended to last for the life of the power station.
The original lakes A-D which NPower trumpet as a success for restoration were filled without engineering works so the gravel pit margins remained intact as did the trees and hedges. A local businessman bought the area from NPower and has been responsible for the continuing restoration work which NPower laud as their own.
The most recent infilling H,I,J,P, were carried out with a new Environment Agency Directive. That all landfill tips should be contained with a clay bund. NPower carried out this infilling according to this directive, and laid waste to vast areas of trees, hedges and paid no heed to the pleas of local people to find an alternative site. They completely filled this area in a fraction of the predicted time given by the CEGB. The reason for the rapid filling is: 1. No recycling. 2. Burning more cheap coal in preference to Gas. The Didcot B Power Station was supposed to take over from Didcot A but this has never happened. NPower are making as much money as they can from this ageing power station before they are forced to close it by the EU. They could upgrade the power station but this is unlikely because of the capital costs involved - unless they persuade the Government to do so in the interests of "securing the nation's electricity supply".
With regard to not filling Lake F, it was discovered that Lake F was an illegally dug pit and so did not officially exist. There are rules about filling "spontaneously occuring water features" so they were forced to withdraw this Lake from their Plans but in compensation they decided to make the LAke E bund containing the ash even higher, so they could still get the same amount of ash into Lake E and the two lakes combined. The result will be a wall the height of a bungalow with fencing on top which will mar the landscape for decades.
The fencing can only come down when the Environment Agency decrees it is safe to do so. However, recent experiences on the A-D filling which was completed 10 years ago shows even that area remains unstable without a clay containment. A digger went on to dig out some of the PFA and sunk. A digger went into rescue the digger and that sunk too., So a crane had to be hired to get both diggers out of the quicksand which exists under a crust which is extremely unsafe.
No one know how long it will take for the clay bunded ash to consolidate. Evaporation of water will be replaced by rainfall and as there is no drainage system, the huge basin of slimy grunge will stay contained for decades within its clay bund before anyone will be allowed to walk upon it.
It is absolute nonsense to say there will be a nature reserve there after they have filled. One only has to visit the last filled area to see the concentration camp fences and the blight on the landscape which NPower have created. I have visited several times the privately owned A-D Lakes which NPower trumpet as a success and was cautioned to stay on the paths as I would be at risk if I went on to areas which had been filled. I did venture to put a foot out and could feel the ground quivering beneath my feet and beat a hasty retreat.
The area has been awarded a County Wildlife Status but only after pressure from our Campaign to make the threatened area a CWS. Unfortunately, NPower persuaded the County Council to include their recent infilling(H/I/J/P) as well as Lakes A-D which makes a nonsense of the award. There are ground nesting birds on A-D which are protected by the fences so foxes can't get in. The Landowner has seeded the area with wildflowers to the margins are well stocked with flowers which attract butterflies. The badgers have been displaced, as have the otters and watervoles. There are signs of these round Lake E but soon they will be destroyed because NPower won't look to the alternatives that Save Radley Lakes Campaign Group have put to them.
There is a dirty great big gravel pit right outside the Power Station fence, and currently NPower are selling their PFA to Waste Recycling Group to use as a "capping" as municipal waste is being buried. WRG have now found they have far too much space to allow them to fill within their Licence Period and have asked Oxfordshire County Council for approval to 1. extend their permission, 2. extend the number of lorry movements to bring waste from outside the County to this gravel pit (immature and recently dug) NPower say they can't use WRG's space. We belive this is a nonsense and are trying to get Oxfordshire County Council to make it a condition of their planning permission that they take ash from the Power Station. However, OCC say they can't do this, which we think is also an unreasonable refusal.
Thank you for your support. We want more people to switch their power supply and tell NPower the reason. If it starts to hurt them in their finances they might begin to change their standpoint.
The save the lakes people have asked me to post up the following response to N powers reply to those of you who have been busy tearing up juice contracts and sending them back.
Your good actions are having an effect on Npower and remind all corporations in the energy sector that green action is necessary and that greenwash will be spotted.
I would anser the points as follows
Didcot "A" 's recycling has dropped over the years. This is because of the emissions coming out of their stacks; the Environment Agency forced them to take action to reduce the NOX emissions from their coal burning chimneys. Accordingly, instead of fitting catalytic convertors they decided to burn the ash at a lower temperature, which, because it contains unburnt coal, makes the ash unsuitable for use in the construction industry, which had previously taken the PFA for sulphate resistant concrete. The ash contains too much carbon which makes poor concrete and it is nearly black and looks awful.
Only recently Didcot have invested some money (3M) in an ash benefication plant. This allows the ash to be reburnt (when the plant works as it has not been without its problems)
There are Companies in existence who can recycle Didcot's dirty ash but this means spending money on a joint venture, which Didcot have not been prepared to do. Companies like ROCKTRON in the UK who have started recycling ash from Fiddlers Ferry Power Station (Scottish Power) and there are others in Germany and Australia who are prepared to work with NPower (at a cost to them) but NPower stick to their mantra "We are in the business of generating electricity, not selling ash".
In 1982 The CEGB obtained permission for a series of gravel pits to be used for Didcot's surplus ash. However, when NPower took over and the subsequent Environment Agency directive made their ash unsaleable, they decided to dump to landfill and soon used up the capacity which had been intended to last for the life of the power station.
The original lakes A-D which NPower trumpet as a success for restoration were filled without engineering works so the gravel pit margins remained intact as did the trees and hedges. A local businessman bought the area from NPower and has been responsible for the continuing restoration work which NPower laud as their own.
The most recent infilling H,I,J,P, were carried out with a new Environment Agency Directive. That all landfill tips should be contained with a clay bund. NPower carried out this infilling according to this directive, and laid waste to vast areas of trees, hedges and paid no heed to the pleas of local people to find an alternative site. They completely filled this area in a fraction of the predicted time given by the CEGB. The reason for the rapid filling is: 1. No recycling. 2. Burning more cheap coal in preference to Gas. The Didcot B Power Station was supposed to take over from Didcot A but this has never happened. NPower are making as much money as they can from this ageing power station before they are forced to close it by the EU. They could upgrade the power station but this is unlikely because of the capital costs involved - unless they persuade the Government to do so in the interests of "securing the nation's electricity supply".
With regard to not filling Lake F, it was discovered that Lake F was an illegally dug pit and so did not officially exist. There are rules about filling "spontaneously occuring water features" so they were forced to withdraw this Lake from their Plans but in compensation they decided to make the LAke E bund containing the ash even higher, so they could still get the same amount of ash into Lake E and the two lakes combined. The result will be a wall the height of a bungalow with fencing on top which will mar the landscape for decades.
The fencing can only come down when the Environment Agency decrees it is safe to do so. However, recent experiences on the A-D filling which was completed 10 years ago shows even that area remains unstable without a clay containment. A digger went on to dig out some of the PFA and sunk. A digger went into rescue the digger and that sunk too., So a crane had to be hired to get both diggers out of the quicksand which exists under a crust which is extremely unsafe.
No one know how long it will take for the clay bunded ash to consolidate. Evaporation of water will be replaced by rainfall and as there is no drainage system, the huge basin of slimy grunge will stay contained for decades within its clay bund before anyone will be allowed to walk upon it.
It is absolute nonsense to say there will be a nature reserve there after they have filled. One only has to visit the last filled area to see the concentration camp fences and the blight on the landscape which NPower have created. I have visited several times the privately owned A-D Lakes which NPower trumpet as a success and was cautioned to stay on the paths as I would be at risk if I went on to areas which had been filled. I did venture to put a foot out and could feel the ground quivering beneath my feet and beat a hasty retreat.
The area has been awarded a County Wildlife Status but only after pressure from our Campaign to make the threatened area a CWS. Unfortunately, NPower persuaded the County Council to include their recent infilling(H/I/J/P) as well as Lakes A-D which makes a nonsense of the award. There are ground nesting birds on A-D which are protected by the fences so foxes can't get in. The Landowner has seeded the area with wildflowers to the margins are well stocked with flowers which attract butterflies. The badgers have been displaced, as have the otters and watervoles. There are signs of these round Lake E but soon they will be destroyed because NPower won't look to the alternatives that Save Radley Lakes Campaign Group have put to them.
There is a dirty great big gravel pit right outside the Power Station fence, and currently NPower are selling their PFA to Waste Recycling Group to use as a "capping" as municipal waste is being buried. WRG have now found they have far too much space to allow them to fill within their Licence Period and have asked Oxfordshire County Council for approval to 1. extend their permission, 2. extend the number of lorry movements to bring waste from outside the County to this gravel pit (immature and recently dug) NPower say they can't use WRG's space. We belive this is a nonsense and are trying to get Oxfordshire County Council to make it a condition of their planning permission that they take ash from the Power Station. However, OCC say they can't do this, which we think is also an unreasonable refusal.
Thank you for your support. We want more people to switch their power supply and tell NPower the reason. If it starts to hurt them in their finances they might begin to change their standpoint.
18 Jan 2007
Save the lakes

Activists are occupying and intend to defend a squatted lakeside property in order to prevent the infilling of Radley Lakes with toxic ash from the burning of coal at the nearby npower owned Didcot power station.
The occupants intended to use the property as environmental field centre with the support of the local community, where there is massive local opposition to the destruction of the last two remaining lakes at Radley.
The lakes are unusual in their clarity and the area contains local and national rare and threatened species, with 115 species of birds recorded and over 1000 trees surrounding the lake which will be felled. However this has been ignored by power company RWE npower, and has been rail-roaded through by Oxfordshire County Council. write EF!ers.
If you can get to Oxfordshire and you have a day or three spare please support the activists trying to save Radley Lakes, currently occupying a house, next to them, to prevent them being filled in with ash 'contact the site on 07772055384, location OX14 3NG, a 15 minute walk from Radley Station'
Read more here from Earth First! Action Update.
For my thoughts in an official Green Party capacity read.
17 Jan 2007

Love in Zen is a love for or delight in the world. Both Christian love and Buddhist compassion are based on a belief in the need to be saved from the world of sin or suffering. Moreover, like most salvation religions they are almost entirely concerned with human existence, and they either ignore nature as being unimportant, as in Christianity, or as one of the sources of human suffering, as in standard Buddhism. The world for Zen means both the human one and the world of nature. Salvation implies that life here and now is subordinate or inferior to some future existence after death. To be able to love nature, on the other hand, is to be in love with life in all its manifestations in the here and now. The Comic in Zen
Its important to get the 'theology' right, this is from my favourite Zen site. More important than the words here is a practice of being in the world, while campaigning for our planet and liberation. I think my only difference with the above paragraph is that Christians and non zen Buddhists (all of us in fact) can love creation, think of creation spirituality.
I would say to all of you interested in say green politics or animal liberation or Mumia or socialism or whatever to let in a bit of zen into your life, just for this second.
I get like this when I have missed zazen, must stop preaching and start sitting.
Rip up your juice contract if you love Radley Lakes
Juice supports the generation of clean, green electricity in a very simple way.
However juice is run by NPower who are filling in a series of beautiful lakes (approx 50 years old) near Radley in Oxfordshire...if you want to save the remaining lakes, take a good long look at you juice contract
Read more here for my principal speaker statement.
However juice is run by NPower who are filling in a series of beautiful lakes (approx 50 years old) near Radley in Oxfordshire...if you want to save the remaining lakes, take a good long look at you juice contract
Read more here for my principal speaker statement.
16 Jan 2007
Mumia Abu-Jamal's columns here

Hey Derek, where do you find text of Mumia's commentaries online? I haven't been able to track them down. asks Tim.
thanks Tim!
Mumia's work is on this website, although I seem to get his columns slightly quicker, always worth reading in my opinion. I think he should be freed and think we should think about what he has to say, I always find it interesting.
Can you imagine Gramsci writing online from prison?
15 Jan 2007
Kidnapping Joschka: AGW reviews the Edukators

Watched the Edukatorsyesterday, which was great fun, I am not sure whether the political conclusion is to vote conservative or join the CPGB/Weekly Worker. Its I suppose conservative, saying that youth loses its radicalism and anti-anarchist in that direct action of a spectacular kinds is just playing (don't write in if you are an anarchist I know its not all art attacks and kidnapping!)
Three young anti-capitalists end up kidnapping by mistake a middle aged German, who then charms them with his tales of his summer of free love and anarchy before becoming an establishment figure at the heart of German government. Bloody hell! its Joschka_Fischer.
Seriously watch its interesting and political and it will remind you of anyone you have ever lived with in a squat, commune or bedsit.
Mumia on ecocatastrophe
Mumia has long advocated ecosocialism...read his statement on climate crisis on another green world
[Col. Writ. 1/7/07] Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
When I went into the yard several days ago, (OK--cage) I couldn't help but be shocked.
It was still dark, as the sun hadn't yet risen, not quite 7 a.m. It was nearly 60 degrees.
When I felt how warm it was, I was absolutely stunned.
The grass was still green, and it felt like a moist, spring morning.
I couldn't help but think of global warming -- the dumping of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which traps heat near the earth's surface, like a blanket on a bed.
It has been clearer than I've ever seen it in over 50 years of life.
I then thought that it was a mixed blessing that Al Gore wasn't elected in 2000, for if he had been it's doubtful that he would've been so outspoken about the causes of global warming, and the consequences for the powerful oil companies.
The theft of the election freed him to spend his time and attention on a matter close to his heart, and his resultant filmed lecture (and book), *An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It* (Melcher Media/Rodale) has reached more people, at a deeper level, than any presidential press conference could've.
Although long derided by corporate-paid pundits and conservatives (why are people called 'conservatives' who don't care about conservation of the planet?) as tree-huggers and many environmentalists who want to destroy U.S. business, there are few thinking people who dare to challenge the obvious signs of global warming. In December and January, cherry blossoms bloom in Washington, D.C. Flowers and bugs react to the warmth like it's an early spring.
In the frigid polar region, polar bears are drowning -- drowning! -- because of the growing distance between ice floes.
Human habitation (at least in cities) is endangered in this new world formed by human hands.
How serious is global warming? Jim Hanson, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wrote recently in *The New York Review of Books* (7/13/06) in the article, "The Threat to the Planet", what the difference of 5 degrees warmth means to global sea levels:
"Here too, our best information comes from the Earth's history. The last time that the Earth was five degrees warmer was three million years ago, when sea level was about eighty feet higher.
"Eighty feet! In that case, the United States would lose most East Coast cities: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Miami; indeed, practically the entire state of Florida would be under water. Fifty million people in the US live below that sea level. Other places would fare worse. China would have 250 million displaced persons. Bangladesh would produce 120 million refugees, practically the entire nation. India would lose the land of 150 million people." [p. 13]
That means the land and living areas for over 570 million people, all around the world would go underwater: *5 degrees!*
Never in human history have people caused so much vast devastation on such a scale.
*This* is civilization?
This is one of the costs of 'the American way of life.'
The catastrophe threatened by such an ecological crisis kinda puts terrorism on another plane of worry, doesn't it?
There have been wars and rumors of wars for fuels that are contributing to the destruction of the earth, and the flooding of its cities.
Politicians haven't moved a muscle to solve this very real crisis. That's because they are, by their very nature, but henchmen for corporations, which are concerned only about profit.
This system ain't the solution. Indeed, it is the problem.
Only the people, repudiating the system, can begin to change this emergent tragedy, by working together to build a new world.
Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
[Col. Writ. 1/7/07] Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
When I went into the yard several days ago, (OK--cage) I couldn't help but be shocked.
It was still dark, as the sun hadn't yet risen, not quite 7 a.m. It was nearly 60 degrees.
When I felt how warm it was, I was absolutely stunned.
The grass was still green, and it felt like a moist, spring morning.
I couldn't help but think of global warming -- the dumping of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which traps heat near the earth's surface, like a blanket on a bed.
It has been clearer than I've ever seen it in over 50 years of life.
I then thought that it was a mixed blessing that Al Gore wasn't elected in 2000, for if he had been it's doubtful that he would've been so outspoken about the causes of global warming, and the consequences for the powerful oil companies.
The theft of the election freed him to spend his time and attention on a matter close to his heart, and his resultant filmed lecture (and book), *An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It* (Melcher Media/Rodale) has reached more people, at a deeper level, than any presidential press conference could've.
Although long derided by corporate-paid pundits and conservatives (why are people called 'conservatives' who don't care about conservation of the planet?) as tree-huggers and many environmentalists who want to destroy U.S. business, there are few thinking people who dare to challenge the obvious signs of global warming. In December and January, cherry blossoms bloom in Washington, D.C. Flowers and bugs react to the warmth like it's an early spring.
In the frigid polar region, polar bears are drowning -- drowning! -- because of the growing distance between ice floes.
Human habitation (at least in cities) is endangered in this new world formed by human hands.
How serious is global warming? Jim Hanson, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wrote recently in *The New York Review of Books* (7/13/06) in the article, "The Threat to the Planet", what the difference of 5 degrees warmth means to global sea levels:
"Here too, our best information comes from the Earth's history. The last time that the Earth was five degrees warmer was three million years ago, when sea level was about eighty feet higher.
"Eighty feet! In that case, the United States would lose most East Coast cities: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Miami; indeed, practically the entire state of Florida would be under water. Fifty million people in the US live below that sea level. Other places would fare worse. China would have 250 million displaced persons. Bangladesh would produce 120 million refugees, practically the entire nation. India would lose the land of 150 million people." [p. 13]
That means the land and living areas for over 570 million people, all around the world would go underwater: *5 degrees!*
Never in human history have people caused so much vast devastation on such a scale.
*This* is civilization?
This is one of the costs of 'the American way of life.'
The catastrophe threatened by such an ecological crisis kinda puts terrorism on another plane of worry, doesn't it?
There have been wars and rumors of wars for fuels that are contributing to the destruction of the earth, and the flooding of its cities.
Politicians haven't moved a muscle to solve this very real crisis. That's because they are, by their very nature, but henchmen for corporations, which are concerned only about profit.
This system ain't the solution. Indeed, it is the problem.
Only the people, repudiating the system, can begin to change this emergent tragedy, by working together to build a new world.
Copyright 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
14 Jan 2007
Green glass?
Crucially, recycling glass reduces the need for energy-intensive quarrying of silica and lime. For every tonne of recycled glass used, 1.2 tonnes of raw material is preserved. Besides, glass recycles beautifully precisely because it contains such simple materials. It can be turned back into jars and bottles using the minimum of energy except - and herein lies the problem - if it's green glass. Because the UK is a prolific wine importer but produces very little wine, traditionally more green bottles have been left sitting on the wall than we have use forThey used to be piled up in green-glass mountains and shipped to South America for reprocessing, but now they are crushed and used as aggregate in road building.
Lucy Siegle writes about why glass recycling matters today in the Observer.
Back when I was in primary school bottles could be returned and a pence or two claimed back, this is even better than smashing them up first.
Bottle banks, reformism?
Keeping them, buying a capping machine and brewings one's own beer or if you are a non drinker lemonade would be good too.
Lucy Siegle writes about why glass recycling matters today in the Observer.
Back when I was in primary school bottles could be returned and a pence or two claimed back, this is even better than smashing them up first.
Bottle banks, reformism?
Keeping them, buying a capping machine and brewings one's own beer or if you are a non drinker lemonade would be good too.
13 Jan 2007
Green Party Executive today
Spent most of the day at the Green party Executive meeting, its funny for me. As Principal Speaker along with Sian, we can both talk to stuff and take part but we are not allowed to vote. A pleasing bit of anarchy which prevents the supposedly charasmatic from actually voting...I hope this will stay.
The best part of the day was catching up with Tim Summers, who is the campaigns person on gpex and very dynamic and talking to Khalid Hussenbux, he deals with finance...we discussed how to outreach to other muslims like Khalid and he told me he is keen to talk to anyone about sufism and Islam which is good news.
Fairly civilised, passions rarely rise to the surface and consensus is the rule....bit boring at times, though. Meetings, meetings
Must think about the green budget, toying with the idea of filming my pretend Gordon Brown speech, drinking a dram half way through, rolling back PFIs and balancing green taxes with real redistribution....some measures for a self-managed non corporate economy have to start somewhere....restoring council housing, etc, etc.
Got home to spend some time with my sons, my eldest discussed the vitues of V for Vendetta, free film down loads and the weaknesses of the Five Doctors which we watched.
The best part of the day was catching up with Tim Summers, who is the campaigns person on gpex and very dynamic and talking to Khalid Hussenbux, he deals with finance...we discussed how to outreach to other muslims like Khalid and he told me he is keen to talk to anyone about sufism and Islam which is good news.
Fairly civilised, passions rarely rise to the surface and consensus is the rule....bit boring at times, though. Meetings, meetings
Must think about the green budget, toying with the idea of filming my pretend Gordon Brown speech, drinking a dram half way through, rolling back PFIs and balancing green taxes with real redistribution....some measures for a self-managed non corporate economy have to start somewhere....restoring council housing, etc, etc.
Got home to spend some time with my sons, my eldest discussed the vitues of V for Vendetta, free film down loads and the weaknesses of the Five Doctors which we watched.
12 Jan 2007
Environment Week
Every year, the LSE Students' Union runs its Environment Week, designed to
highlight a range of environmental and ecological issues, and provide
inspiration for action and change on sustainability. This year's week is
sponsored by The Independent.
The week will feature Jenny Jones and Matt Sellwood from our party. Here is the
list of the events:
MONDAY JANUARY 15TH, 6pm, New Theatre
Environment Question Time
SPEAKERS: Colin Challen MP, Labour Party
George Galloway MP, RESPECT
Jenny Jones AM, Green Party
Tim Yeo MP, Conservative Party
TUESDAY JANUARY 16TH, 6pm, U8 (Tower 1)
Animal Testing: Necessary Cruelty or Cruelly Unnecessary?
SPEAKERS: Dr. Kathy Archibald, Europeans for Medical Progress Trust
Dr. Margaret Clotworthy, Europeans for Medical Progress
Iain Simpson, Pro-Test Campaign
Prof. John Stein, Oxford University
Spirituality, Religion and the Environment: Faith in the Planet?
SPEAKERS: Jo Abbess, Christian Ecology Link
Mizan Choudhry, Islamic Foundation for Ecology and
Environmental Sciences
Communities of the Amazon and Environmental Protection:
The Experience of the Brazilian NGO NAPRA
SPEAKER: Paula Moreira, Legal Coordinator, NAPRA
Film Showing: Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth
THURSDAY JANUARY 18TH, 4.30pm, New Theatre
The Kyoto Protocol and Opportunities for Sustainable Development:
Brazil's Plantar Projects
SPEAKER: Fábio Marques, Carbon Projects Manager, The Plantar Group
THURSDAY JANUARY 18TH, 6pm, New Theatre
The Beaver Event: How Does the Media's Representation of Global Warming Shape
Public Opinion?
SPEAKER: Dr. Greg Garrard, Association for the Study of Literature and
Environment (ASLE-UK)
Small Is Beautiful: Practical Solutions to Global Problems
SPEAKERS: Angelique Orr, Practical Action
Matt Sellwood, Climate Outreach Information Network
Please feel free to advertise this as widely as possible to any individuals or
Many thanks and hope to see you at some of the events (although I know how busy
you are!),
Aled Dilwyn Fisher
LSESU Environment and Ethics Officer
LSE Students' Union
Houghton Street
highlight a range of environmental and ecological issues, and provide
inspiration for action and change on sustainability. This year's week is
sponsored by The Independent.
The week will feature Jenny Jones and Matt Sellwood from our party. Here is the
list of the events:
MONDAY JANUARY 15TH, 6pm, New Theatre
Environment Question Time
SPEAKERS: Colin Challen MP, Labour Party
George Galloway MP, RESPECT
Jenny Jones AM, Green Party
Tim Yeo MP, Conservative Party
TUESDAY JANUARY 16TH, 6pm, U8 (Tower 1)
Animal Testing: Necessary Cruelty or Cruelly Unnecessary?
SPEAKERS: Dr. Kathy Archibald, Europeans for Medical Progress Trust
Dr. Margaret Clotworthy, Europeans for Medical Progress
Iain Simpson, Pro-Test Campaign
Prof. John Stein, Oxford University
Spirituality, Religion and the Environment: Faith in the Planet?
SPEAKERS: Jo Abbess, Christian Ecology Link
Mizan Choudhry, Islamic Foundation for Ecology and
Environmental Sciences
Communities of the Amazon and Environmental Protection:
The Experience of the Brazilian NGO NAPRA
SPEAKER: Paula Moreira, Legal Coordinator, NAPRA
Film Showing: Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth
THURSDAY JANUARY 18TH, 4.30pm, New Theatre
The Kyoto Protocol and Opportunities for Sustainable Development:
Brazil's Plantar Projects
SPEAKER: Fábio Marques, Carbon Projects Manager, The Plantar Group
THURSDAY JANUARY 18TH, 6pm, New Theatre
The Beaver Event: How Does the Media's Representation of Global Warming Shape
Public Opinion?
SPEAKER: Dr. Greg Garrard, Association for the Study of Literature and
Small Is Beautiful: Practical Solutions to Global Problems
SPEAKERS: Angelique Orr, Practical Action
Matt Sellwood, Climate Outreach Information Network
Please feel free to advertise this as widely as possible to any individuals or
Many thanks and hope to see you at some of the events (although I know how busy
you are!),
Aled Dilwyn Fisher
LSESU Environment and Ethics Officer
LSE Students' Union
Houghton Street
11 Jan 2007
Excellent article here from the socialist unity site on Somalia written by an Ethiopian socialist.
On this subnect Tim Summers has sent me this.
Wednesday 7th Feb, Green Party protest against Trident assembling at 1pm on
Parliament Square at the peacecamp opposite St Stephens Gate, 2pm to follow
Caroline Lucas MEP to the Defence Ministry, Whitehall where she will seek
dialogue with the Defence Minister, as we face Downing Street opposite. 3pm
approx, disperse or tarry at the Lord of the Moon pub, Whitehall.
Saturday 24th February, 12 noon near Speakers Corner, Hyde Park for a strong
Green contingent on the "No Trident - Troops Out of Iraq and Afghanistan" demonstration
march called jointly by CND and Stop the War Coalition. This will be large.
I hope we can raise something of the high Green visibility of November's Climate Change event. Please seek to mobilise your branch members and bring its banner if you have one. 5,000 A5 leaflets and Green Party placards will be available,(or make your own) and I look forward to seeing you on 7th and 24th February!
Tim Summers,
Campaigns Coordinator for the Green Party.
On this subnect Tim Summers has sent me this.
Wednesday 7th Feb, Green Party protest against Trident assembling at 1pm on
Parliament Square at the peacecamp opposite St Stephens Gate, 2pm to follow
Caroline Lucas MEP to the Defence Ministry, Whitehall where she will seek
dialogue with the Defence Minister, as we face Downing Street opposite. 3pm
approx, disperse or tarry at the Lord of the Moon pub, Whitehall.
Saturday 24th February, 12 noon near Speakers Corner, Hyde Park for a strong
Green contingent on the "No Trident - Troops Out of Iraq and Afghanistan" demonstration
march called jointly by CND and Stop the War Coalition. This will be large.
I hope we can raise something of the high Green visibility of November's Climate Change event. Please seek to mobilise your branch members and bring its banner if you have one. 5,000 A5 leaflets and Green Party placards will be available,(or make your own) and I look forward to seeing you on 7th and 24th February!
Tim Summers,
Campaigns Coordinator for the Green Party.
More troops to Iraq
Bush is to send another 21,000 troops, despite Congress falling to the Democrats and we have seen the Somalia bombing.
This is the norm, US foreign policy involves violence against real or perceived enemies and US politics is military-industrial with large arms manufacturers lobbying politicians.
The huge finance needed to win elections in the US means corporate interests can buy influence....and not just Blair but all previous UK prime ministers have maintained support for the US.
Clearly the Iraq strategy has failed for the US, will this lead to a deep seated change and the evolution of some alternative politics as we saw with the Vietnam War? I hope so.
But even the Democrats will keep to the essential script because their congress member and presidential candidates depend on corporate finance.
Its democracy but a closed managed one with alternatives finding little space.
The Green Party results in November with, for example, 11% in Illinois give some hope and the radical voices seem to be louder in the Party with people like Camajeo than in some Green Parties around the world
This is the norm, US foreign policy involves violence against real or perceived enemies and US politics is military-industrial with large arms manufacturers lobbying politicians.
The huge finance needed to win elections in the US means corporate interests can buy influence....and not just Blair but all previous UK prime ministers have maintained support for the US.
Clearly the Iraq strategy has failed for the US, will this lead to a deep seated change and the evolution of some alternative politics as we saw with the Vietnam War? I hope so.
But even the Democrats will keep to the essential script because their congress member and presidential candidates depend on corporate finance.
Its democracy but a closed managed one with alternatives finding little space.
The Green Party results in November with, for example, 11% in Illinois give some hope and the radical voices seem to be louder in the Party with people like Camajeo than in some Green Parties around the world
10 Jan 2007
Greens comment on religious opposition to sexual freedom
They want to hold onto the right to discriminate against LGB people and it’s simply unacceptable that these organisations could now hold the Government to ransom over
well, another roller coaster of a day as principal speaker (I will tell you more in the Wall diaries in 2046!)...this is from the Green Party LBGT group and needs saying
**Religious organisations are scaremongering*
Green Party condemns moves to delay goods and services equality and welcomes House of Lords vote*
/Should a lesbian pupil be expelled from a faith school because of her sexuality?
Is it right that a faith-run homeless hostel can stop housing someone because they’re gay?/
The answer to both of these questions is ‘yes’ if the Government waters down new legislation.
The Government is putting regulations before Parliament which will make it illegal for the providers of goods and services to discriminate against lesbian and gay people. However there has been a huge campaign led by religious organizations to water down the regulations.
Yesterday a protest was organised by religious organisations to coincide with a debate in the House of Lords on the regulations passed in Northern Ireland in December. The debate was led by Lord Morrow who wants to eliminate the regulations, which will come into force throughout the rest of the UK later this year.
The planned legal protection offered by the new regulations is being vociferously challenged by Christian, Judaist and Muslim fundamentalists who want exemptions for religious organisations to continue to treat the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) communities like second-class citizens.
In real terms if these exceptions are enacted they could allow, for example, faith schools to expel LGB pupils or faith-based homeless charities to forbid access to LGB homeless people.
Welcoming the House of Lords’ decisive rejection, last night, of the move to suspend the Northern Ireland regulations, Phelim Mac Cafferty a gay Green Party activist in Brighton and Hove , commented: “Some of the protesters include ‘The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowhip’, which is against the outlawing of harassment against gay people; another is the ‘Christian Concern for our Nation’ which does not view homosexual relationships as equal to heterosexual ones.
“They want to hold onto the right to discriminate against LGB people and it’s simply unacceptable that these organisations could now hold the Government to ransom over the long-promised equality for the LGB communities.”
“This is not about forcing religious organisations to comply to any way of thinking, rather it establishes that the protections that those very organisations have in law are granted to the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities too.”
“The Green Party condemns any moves to water down the goods, facilities and services regulations. We call on the Government to now stand up to the bigots and make these regulations law.”
well, another roller coaster of a day as principal speaker (I will tell you more in the Wall diaries in 2046!)...this is from the Green Party LBGT group and needs saying
**Religious organisations are scaremongering*
Green Party condemns moves to delay goods and services equality and welcomes House of Lords vote*
/Should a lesbian pupil be expelled from a faith school because of her sexuality?
Is it right that a faith-run homeless hostel can stop housing someone because they’re gay?/
The answer to both of these questions is ‘yes’ if the Government waters down new legislation.
The Government is putting regulations before Parliament which will make it illegal for the providers of goods and services to discriminate against lesbian and gay people. However there has been a huge campaign led by religious organizations to water down the regulations.
Yesterday a protest was organised by religious organisations to coincide with a debate in the House of Lords on the regulations passed in Northern Ireland in December. The debate was led by Lord Morrow who wants to eliminate the regulations, which will come into force throughout the rest of the UK later this year.
The planned legal protection offered by the new regulations is being vociferously challenged by Christian, Judaist and Muslim fundamentalists who want exemptions for religious organisations to continue to treat the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) communities like second-class citizens.
In real terms if these exceptions are enacted they could allow, for example, faith schools to expel LGB pupils or faith-based homeless charities to forbid access to LGB homeless people.
Welcoming the House of Lords’ decisive rejection, last night, of the move to suspend the Northern Ireland regulations, Phelim Mac Cafferty a gay Green Party activist in Brighton and Hove , commented: “Some of the protesters include ‘The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowhip’, which is against the outlawing of harassment against gay people; another is the ‘Christian Concern for our Nation’ which does not view homosexual relationships as equal to heterosexual ones.
“They want to hold onto the right to discriminate against LGB people and it’s simply unacceptable that these organisations could now hold the Government to ransom over the long-promised equality for the LGB communities.”
“This is not about forcing religious organisations to comply to any way of thinking, rather it establishes that the protections that those very organisations have in law are granted to the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities too.”
“The Green Party condemns any moves to water down the goods, facilities and services regulations. We call on the Government to now stand up to the bigots and make these regulations law.”
9 Jan 2007
FACE offset 'debacle' on BBC1 this friday
Jutta sent me this, thanks Jutta...the way greenhouse effect is used, by the those pushing the worst form of offset, to benefit the wealthy and damage those who practice practical green solutions is a scandal.
Lets not fuck around, a bit less flying and some efforts to use less energy and push renewables is vital....we cannot just 'offset' our wasteful activities...I am no fly, I hope you will follow me.
BBC Inside Out film on FACE Foundation 'offset' debacles
in Uganda will air this coming Friday on BBC 1 - London area at 19:30
Hello all,
Just a brief update that the BBC TV film on the FACE Foundation 'offset'
debacle in Kibale, Uganda, will air this coming Friday at 19:30 on BBC
Inside Out [London regional programme for now, possibly later in same
programme's other regions].
Best wishes,
FERN / SinksWatch Initiative
Jutta Kill
"FERN works to achieve greater environmental and social justice, focussing
on forests and forest peoples' rights in the policies and practices of the
European Union"
Lets not fuck around, a bit less flying and some efforts to use less energy and push renewables is vital....we cannot just 'offset' our wasteful activities...I am no fly, I hope you will follow me.
BBC Inside Out film on FACE Foundation 'offset' debacles
in Uganda will air this coming Friday on BBC 1 - London area at 19:30
Hello all,
Just a brief update that the BBC TV film on the FACE Foundation 'offset'
debacle in Kibale, Uganda, will air this coming Friday at 19:30 on BBC
Inside Out [London regional programme for now, possibly later in same
programme's other regions].
Best wishes,
FERN / SinksWatch Initiative
Jutta Kill
"FERN works to achieve greater environmental and social justice, focussing
on forests and forest peoples' rights in the policies and practices of the
European Union"
FACE debace on BBC1 this friday
Jutta sent me this, thanks Jutta...the way greenhouse effect is used, by the those pushing the worst form of offset, to benefit the wealthy and damage those who practice practical green solutions is a scandal.
Lets not fuck around, a bit less flying and some efforts to use less energy and push renewables is vital....we cannot just 'offset' our wasteful activities...I am no fly, I hope you will follow me.
BBC Inside Out film on FACE Foundation 'offset' debacles
in Uganda will air this coming Friday on BBC 1 - London area at 19:30
Hello all,
Just a brief update that the BBC TV film on the FACE Foundation 'offset'
debacle in Kibale, Uganda, will air this coming Friday at 19:30 on BBC
Inside Out [London regional programme for now, possibly later in same
programme's other regions].
Best wishes,
FERN / SinksWatch Initiative
Jutta Kill
"FERN works to achieve greater environmental and social justice, focussing
on forests and forest peoples' rights in the policies and practices of the
European Union"
Lets not fuck around, a bit less flying and some efforts to use less energy and push renewables is vital....we cannot just 'offset' our wasteful activities...I am no fly, I hope you will follow me.
BBC Inside Out film on FACE Foundation 'offset' debacles
in Uganda will air this coming Friday on BBC 1 - London area at 19:30
Hello all,
Just a brief update that the BBC TV film on the FACE Foundation 'offset'
debacle in Kibale, Uganda, will air this coming Friday at 19:30 on BBC
Inside Out [London regional programme for now, possibly later in same
programme's other regions].
Best wishes,
FERN / SinksWatch Initiative
Jutta Kill
"FERN works to achieve greater environmental and social justice, focussing
on forests and forest peoples' rights in the policies and practices of the
European Union"
Green Party principal speaker condemns attack on Somalia
"US foreign policy based on violence breeds conflict and injustice, and must be condemned. From Vietnam to Guatemala (1959 coup) to Iraq and the horn of Africa, US militarism has multiplied violence
Read more of Derek's statement here
Read more of Derek's statement here
Dear friends,
The battle to defeat Indonesia's 43 year attempt to keep secret their crimes in West Papua took another step forward in London on 8th January 2007!
As some of you will already know, there was an hour long debate on West Papua in the UK Parliament (House of Lords) last night:
Here is the web page with the record of the whole debate:
Now it's up to all of us to keep up the pressure for as long as it takes.
Richard Samuelson
Free West Papua Campaign, Oxford, England
The battle to defeat Indonesia's 43 year attempt to keep secret their crimes in West Papua took another step forward in London on 8th January 2007!
As some of you will already know, there was an hour long debate on West Papua in the UK Parliament (House of Lords) last night:
Here is the web page with the record of the whole debate:
Now it's up to all of us to keep up the pressure for as long as it takes.
Richard Samuelson
Free West Papua Campaign, Oxford, England
8 Jan 2007
Government by and for the Bee Gees
Reacting to iTunes chart naming Crazy as most downloaded song, Siån Berry, Principal Speaker, Green Party, said:
"Each song bought is a 79p commitment to stick to Apple's store and iPod players since the songs bought cannot be legally transferred to another format. We all need to think a little beyond the sheen of unscratched iPods and think how consumers and musicians will feel in a few years time when they are de facto locked into a single format by a single vendor. It's time to act to guarantee interoperability of DRM formats in order to consumer and musician's rights."
Tony Blair is tempted by his musician friends like Robin Gibb and Cliff Richards who he holidays with to extend copyright....in the Green Party we want to support open source and put the power into the hands of the downloaders....I guess you are doing it for yourself....
More here
"Each song bought is a 79p commitment to stick to Apple's store and iPod players since the songs bought cannot be legally transferred to another format. We all need to think a little beyond the sheen of unscratched iPods and think how consumers and musicians will feel in a few years time when they are de facto locked into a single format by a single vendor. It's time to act to guarantee interoperability of DRM formats in order to consumer and musician's rights."
Tony Blair is tempted by his musician friends like Robin Gibb and Cliff Richards who he holidays with to extend copyright....in the Green Party we want to support open source and put the power into the hands of the downloaders....I guess you are doing it for yourself....
More here
Tories and tabliods say rats to recyling.
Tories said yesterday that the report was more evidence that should persuade the Government and Environment Secretary David Miliband to stop pushing councils to bring in recycling schemes.
The right are on the march arguing once again that recyling is wrecking the environment, see here. I suppose they want incinerators.
rats...global warming and more kfcs are making them big, fat and fecund.
Use a worm bin or a green cone and waste less food is what I say.
There seems to be no problem in providing secure containers for waste.
the days when we could use the green earth as a rubbish dump are coming to end, even for people like Eric Pickles...go with the flow, don't resist obvious environmental improvements like recycling, reuse and less waste.
The right are on the march arguing once again that recyling is wrecking the environment, see here. I suppose they want incinerators.
rats...global warming and more kfcs are making them big, fat and fecund.
Use a worm bin or a green cone and waste less food is what I say.
There seems to be no problem in providing secure containers for waste.
the days when we could use the green earth as a rubbish dump are coming to end, even for people like Eric Pickles...go with the flow, don't resist obvious environmental improvements like recycling, reuse and less waste.
7 Jan 2007
vegan lunchbox

If you think vegan lunchtime means peanut butter and jelly day after day, think again! From the simple to the sublime, Vegan Lunch Box brings you an amazing array of entirely meat-free, egg-free, and dairy-free lunches.
Transform how you look at lunchtime forever, with…
* Complete, well-balanced menus to help you pack nutritious, irresistible lunches.
* Quick lunches that are ready in a flash.
* Easy recipes that older kids can make themselves.
* Exciting themed lunches for special occasions.
* Adventurous lunches made with foods from around the world
This is from vegan lunch box com
Whats my line on the Vegan Lunchbox blog? This is tough....I mean political Islam, how to create prosperity with a no growth economy, how to bring about a green Britain...all easy compared to this.
Well, its an ideology of anti-feminist house wifery, this women is a slave to children who she makes twee lunch boxes for, its the family as an Althusserian tool of state ideological repression....its so twee.
AND YET veganism is subversive, this is from the land of KFC and the big Mac, so the fact of its huge fame must be good.
Today with my kids I made them porridge, home made bread, vegan pasta with chilli, etc....the worms are going from strength to strength....they (Larry, Peter and Vincent Wall...not the 5,000 tiger worms) eat school dinners, jamie oliver has eliminated all chips from the local comprehensive and the primary round here, so no need for boxes!
Does the vegan lunch box blog lady have a worm bin? does she send the kids out to put the vegan lunch box scraps in it?
do they eat it or just dump the stuff and buy a burger in their lunch hour?
Does she understand the corporate ideology behind breakfast cereals?
I mean I like working person's dread food of a tasty high fat variety, in other words ital food...jamaican patties full of good ness from the garden with a large plate of chips and gravy...biscuits with non dairy icing, ho hum.
any way competition commission report on tescopoly tomorrow, will they take action...does lunch box blogger get her ingredients from Walmart.
Food = politics....what's my line on vegan housewifery, is it innately anti-women or does it liberate animals?
Oh I don't know...the links are great and even the meat eaters I love and cherish have been eating my vegan christmas nut loaves....this will run and run.
I am deeply conflicted...
Are the Animals count party funded by some big corporate vegan backers to split the green vote and let the fox hunting vivesectors take control of the Welsh Assembly?
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