19 Feb 2007

In Huddersfield...soon!

Kirklees Green Party
19 February 2007 ( 0793 947 3269


Green Party Principal Speaker in Huddersfield this Wednesday

Dr Derek Wall, Male Principal Speaker for the Green Party will be in Huddersfield on Wednesday to talk to the public about the need for a green approach to building sustainable local communities. The talk is free and will be at the Huddersfield Sports Centre from 7.30pm on 21st February. Derek will be signing copies of his latest book, “Babylon and Beyond” .

Dr Wall, lecturer and author of 6 books on green politics and economics, will explain how stronger, more locally-based economic systems can be created here in Huddersfield and the rest of Kirklees. He says:

" The New Labour Government plans to close local post offices and hospitals; the Green Party believes that we must save local services and create vibrant local economies, where the goods and services people need are locally sourced.”

"Kirklees is leading the way with renewable energy schemes and farmers markets, led by local Greens on the council, but much more could be done. People now realise that we can’t put the environment on a back burner. Preventing climate chaos requires radical action, both on a large scale by governments, and by all of us in our daily lives. This will include a change to a more localised economy, which will have additional positive effects through the creation of quality employment in Kirklees."

A member of the party since 1980, he says: "Green politics is the politics of survival. Infinite economic growth is impossible on a finite planet. We must think deeply about how we transform our economy, our lifestyle and our political institutions."



1) Derek Wall, 41, is an economics lecturer, author of 6 books, and occasional writer for several periodicals including Red Pepper, is one of the Green Party’s joint principal speakers, elected by a postal vote of Green Party Members.
The party has a male and female principal speaker (Sian Berry). Sian will be invited to speak in Huddersfield later in the year.

2) The Green Party has 93 Councillors on 38 Councils, including 3 on Kirklees Council, two London Assembly members and two MEPs.

Contacts :

Green Party Press Office
020 7561 0282

Kirklees councillors Cllr Andrew Cooper, 74 Brockholes Lane, Brockholes, Huddersfield HD9 7EB
01484 667519 or 07721 348619

Kirklees Green Party Press Officer : Lesley Hedges, 62 High Street, Golcar, Huddersfield HD7 4NJ 01484 652932 or 0793 947 3269

Kirklees Green Party website www.kirkleesgreenparty.org.uk

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