Islam4UK have pulled out of the Wotton Basset protest http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8451014.stm
Which is good.
While I am against war, many parents of dead servicemen and women have been at fore front of protest against wars, solidiers don't make the decision to go into these wars and it is inappropriate to insult the dead.
Islam4UK also damage the reputation of British Muslims and even the threat of their march has been music to ears of the BNP.
Salafist Islam as is dominant in Saudi Arabia is very bad news but this is still the minority strain in global Islam, Islam is a religion of tolerance and culture, I have been particularly happy to work with politically active Sufi muslims in the Green Party and wider environmental movement.
And of course I continue to be impressed by Salma Yaqoob.
Whilst I have no sympathy for Islam4UK or radical Islam in general, there is a wider point here that you miss. Naturally political opposition to war starts and ends with the government that sent the soldiers there. But there’s a moral dimension here as well, and one should not be too quick to excuse the actions of the soldiers who, even whilst the vast majority are acting completely within the confines of law and order, are still responsible for tens of thousands of civillian deaths. I’m reminded of Abbie Hoffman’s famous quote: “Murder in a uniform is heroic, in a costume it is a crime.” I’ve known many soldiers who are amazing people, kind and decent, dutiful and patriotic, who only want to serve to make the world a better place, or to learn new skills, or because they genuinely believe dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. But that does not take away from the fact that, for good or bad, they are trained killers. People have every right to criticise soldiers for their role in war and for their actions, legal or illegal. If the Holocaust taught us anything, it’s that ‘only following orders’ just doesn’t wash.
I don't remember a Germany 1940s version of 'Military families against the War'.
I don't remember people including Abbie Hoffman disrupting military funerals during the Vietnam war in protests against militarism.
I appreciate what you are saying but the Islam4UK march would not have advanced peace in the UK or globally.
not for homosexuals
so fuck the religious loons
do you know any Muslims?
do you know the difference between Sufism and fundamentalists.
I am not sure the 'god hates fags' brigade are representive of most Christians.
"I don't remember a Germany 1940s version of 'Military families against the War'."
Military families against the War are not the be all and end all of the anti-war movement. I sympathise with their plight, but I've been a pacifist much longer than they have and have every right to criticise the actions of their sons where they offend my sense of morality.
"I don't remember people including Abbie Hoffman disrupting military funerals during the Vietnam war in protests against militarism."
There was a massive outcry over American hippies spitting on soldiers returning from Vietnam. It's not the form of protest I would choose, but what's a bit of saliva next to My Lai?
"I appreciate what you are saying but the Islam4UK march would not have advanced peace in the UK or globally."
No, in many ways those nutters make things worse for the anti-war movement and for the majority of Muslims in this country. What I object to is people arguing that only the government is a legitimate target for criticism and that we must 'support our troops' even if we disagree with the reasons they're there. The only support I will offer the troops is calling for them to be brought home.
I';ve lived in muslim countries, happily - virtually next door to a mosque believe it or not too.
I know that many christians hate gays - so, like I said, fuck the religious loons.
It's 2010, Darwin, evolution and all that. Time to move on and leave these fucktards behind
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