31 May 2010

Thousands demonstrate against Gaza massacre in London

Just been sent this by Theresa of Green Left, the video is from counterfire and is a speech by Lowkey, Britain's premier political rapper

Just back from London demo, Shahrar (who read out Caroline's statement and gave a well-received speech) and hero of the day Mark D, who ensured at very short notice lots of Green Party placards were very visible. Andy H and I carried the GL banner. I'm sure there were others so sorry if I missed you!

I'm not one for inflating attendance figures, but ignore the press, there were at least 3 - 4,000 people. We blocked off Whitehall, and then marched down to the Israeli Embassy. Emotions were running high, but it was a peaceful and vocal demo with a broad section of people in attendance.

There are plans to demonstrate every evening outside the embassy at 5.30 if you're in central London.



Brendan Montague said...

Craig Murray says the Israeli soldiers should be tried for murder in Turkey - pressure on fellow Lib Dem Nick Clegg to act. Videos from speeches etc here: http://atthesauce.blogspot.com/2010/05/gaza-flotilla-israeli-soldiers-should.html

luna17 said...

Caroline Lucas statement is v good - it's at times like these that having such outspoken, principled voices in Parliament really matters.

A hugely impressive protest at such short notice, reflecting the strength of Palestinian solidarity in this country and the work done by the movement over the years. And what a blistering speech by Lowkey!

Derek Wall said...

yep lowkey is a friend of a good comrade of mine,

the Green Left posse mobilised for this and Caroline does great stuff.

Credit to Counterfire for all your good collective socialist work......we need to keep building the protests...

Colin F said...

Good demo in Paris too : http://le-nouveau-poireau-rouge.blogspot.com/2010/05/palestine-vivra-palestine-vaincra.html

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