'Backing nuclear power and Heathrow expansion is a disgrace. Wreaking havoc on the environment in the name of jobs is without vision and a falsehood.
An immediate public works programme building schools, hospitals, council houses and raliways would create 100,000 jobs. Renewable energies such as wind, sea and solar can provide a million new jobs', argues Jerry Hicks
I am putting out an appeal to all those who care about future generations to support Jerry Hicks. He is going for the post of General Secretary in Amicus/Unite, Britain's second largest trade union. Jerry is a long standing grassroots trade unionist and is oppossing the fat cat culture which sees many union leaders paid huge salaries. His record of fighting for members at a time when jobs are under threat means that he should win.
Almost uniquely he has put the creation of green jobs at the centre of his campaigning, echoing the Green New Deal, he believes that hundreds of thousands of jobs can be created in renewable energy and other green engineering projects.
He also supports the renationalization of Britain's railways.
Above all, he opposes the expansion of Heathrow and plans to expand nuclear power.
I know Jerry Hicks he is a brave and principled campaigner, one of those who restores your faith in politics and trade union action, showing they can be about justice, rather than personal advancement.
I am calling on all those who care about the environment and future generations to make the election of Jerry Hicks a reality.
Jerry is up against the machine but he can win with your help.
1. You can blog about Jerry and link to this article.
2. You can tell people about his campaign.
3. You can order his leaflets.
4. You can donate.
5. You can get news about his campaign from his website http://jerryhicks.wordpress.com/
The Green Party Trade Union group, Green Left and many individuals members of the Green Party are supporting his campaign.
If you are interested in Green trade unionism you might want to click here!
Last word to Jerry:
If what I say reflects your own experience, the life you lead, the world you live in then please would you consider supporting me in my campaign for General Secretary, by way of an invitation for me to speak at meetings. And by making a financial donation make a donation make cheques payable to Jerry Hicks 4GS.
If you wish to help, want to know more, please contact me Tel:7817827912 Email: jo@benefield.force9.co.uk
Or write to me: 10 York Road, Montpelier, Bristol; BS6 5QE.
Donations will be receipted.
Dr Derek Wall, writing here in a private capacity, is a Green Party European Candidate for the South East of England in the June 2009.
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