Puta madre this is strong meat, see what you think!
Still not convinced that Buddhism can give Žižek's shofar a run for its money? This should do it. It's the best way a yogi can die. Most ecological too. Before this happens, the Sky Butcher chops your flesh into little pieces
One of the things that modern society has damaged has been thinking. Unfortunately, one of the damaged ideas is that of Nature itself. How do we transition from seeing what we call “Nature” as an object “over there”? And how do we avoid “new and improved” versions that end up doing much the same thing (embeddedness, flow and so on), just in a “cooler,” more sophisticated way?
When you realize that everything is interconnected, you can't hold on to a concept of a single, solid, present-at-hand thing “over there” called Nature
1 comment:
Don't live in a huge unnatural shithole called London for starters.
Get where there's some nature
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